Window Spec Box Question


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I bet there is an easy answer to this that I'm overlooking, but every time I open my Window Spec, the 3D view defaults to color making the window preview illegible:




How do I get it to default to color off like below?




I'm on X16.


Thanks again,





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19 minutes ago, DavidJPotter said:




That's for the library browser.  But, thanks for pointing me to Preferences.


Looks like it is controlled by Appearance / Dialog Previews.


Vector View with no color (linework only) was what I was hoping for.  Strangely, there is no color on/off control to achieve this.  But, Standard view seems to work well enough.





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7 hours ago, JKEdmo said:

I bet there is an easy answer to this that I'm overlooking, but every time I open my Window Spec, the 3D view defaults to color making the window preview illegible:




How do I get it to default to color off like below?




I'm on X16.


Thanks again,





Did you change the vector color of your glass material?

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I got this response below back from Chief Tech Support.  I guess it's not possible.


I suppose the "fix" would be to make the view settings in the preview panel persistent, i.e. once you set them how you like them they do not revert.  I'll try to post in suggestions.


Hello Jim,

For objects, you can determine what view they will be displayed in by going to the "Library Browser" tab of the Preferences dialog. However, for materials, it will always default to Physically based. You can't default color off in either instance, unfortunately.

I hope this helps!

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6 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:


I think what Rene meant is that your glass shouldn't be black like that.  Here's what mine looks like by default with color turned ON...


Here's a window I just opened as a test.  The model's rendering is technique is set to Vector View / Color On / Opaque Window Glass Off.  Yet, the preview panel shows up with opaque glazing.  Go figure.  Perhaps a bug?



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