Space Mouse Enterprise Review


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@mthd97 I'm tagging you here as you were asking in another thread how the Space Mouse Enterprise worked in CA with a Mac. I've had it for about a month and here are some things that may be of interest to you and anyone else thinking of getting one.


In short, if any of you haven't got one, GET ONE, it is a game changer for sure!


Some notable differences specific to Mac:

- CA doesn't (according to 3D Connexion) fully support the Enterprise model which creates a couple of setbacks. The most notable - when trying to navigate in 3D while holding a tool or selecting something will glitch the mouse and the joystick will eventually seize (all the buttons will still work flawlessly). Example: select a door then try moving before deselecting it will cause problems. If you deselect before moving, the joystick works fine. Shutting down CA and reloading is all it takes to get back to using the joystick again. Quick to do with a Mac, but still a pain. This only seems to happen in 3D views while trying to move with items / tools that are open or in use. 2D plan view and elevations don't seem to have any problems. *** If anyone has a fix for this 3D view problem that I am experiencing, I'd sure appreciate any help you can offer.***

- the only other issue that I see in CA is there are 5 buttons that do not seem to want to respond, the elevation buttons (R/L, F/B, Top/Bottom, Fit) and Menu (menu is for the Spacemouse menu and I'm sure it probably gets reprogrammed to something more useful). I initially thought that these were going to be a huge loss, but now that I'm getting more comfortable with it, I'm not sure that it matters to me. 


Here are the best features in my opinion...


- Tools galore at your finger tips. I'm glad that I went a step up from the PRO model as the Enterprise has many more buttons to use. Not only does it have many more programable buttons for tools, but is also has the additional Enter, Delete, Tab, Alt, and Spacebar keys, all of which are real time savers once you get the muscle memory working. I currently have about 125 tools loaded and the rotary dials are basically endless - meaning any of the 22 last working options can just keep on bringing up more and more rotary dials of tools. And if you are wondering.... sorry, no library items - only tools can be linked as far as I am aware. Well, not any library items that are not defaults for a tool. This is because it works off of macros (hot keys). Example, if you just wanted to pick a chair out of the library, it couldn't be on a rotary dial option because CA doesn't have a hot key (place object tool) for random chairs. The many keys of the Enterprise also may minimize the multiple coding issues I've read about with the PRO model, as it appears to only have 4 buttons to accommodate all the tools. The Enterprise is corded via a USB port, so if cordless is a must, it may not be for you. I personally don't find the cord an issue in my office or on the clients kitchen table. 

- Hot Keys: remembering and having the required finger dexterity are now eliminated. A bonus benefit is I basically streamlined all of my hot keys. No more Control, Shift, Option, Command + letter/number.  W1 through W9 for walls, D1-D9 for doors, C1-C9 for cabinet items, F1-F9 for framing, etc, as I no longer need to remember hotkeys. (I do still have a few that I just decided to leave as is.) I couldn't remember 125 hotkeys anyways, and now I just have to remember 22 keys to access the 125 tools. This also saves endless miles and time on my other mouse travelling around to different tool bars. In addition, I was able to program a two-step process with ease. The centre between two points is a secondary tool that only appears after an item is commanded to be centred (no direct hot key ability). Both commands have now turned into one choice on the rotary dial.

- Tool bars: I have basically eliminated all of the basic toolbars. I now have space for custom toolbars full of library items. This saves an enormous amount of time not having to drill down through the layers for common library items. 

- Mac only gets a 4 unit rotary dial option, without picture icon ability. I would have liked the 8 unit dial (PC Computer option) to save a few more selection mouse clicks, however, having words instead of icons allows better flexibility especially if icons aren't available (any of the Defaults), and also allows for multiple words vs a single icon. Sometimes a few words helps to remember the tool, especially if the tool isn't used too often and the icon isn't remembered easily. The really nice part is that the rotary dial is always right where your curser is, so the choice is only a small movement with a click and you are right back working again. 

- And now the controller: the smooth movements with great control in 3D walk throughs is really a treat for me as well as my clients. It brings the control movements to a whole other level. This also makes the working end of business more efficient and enjoyable as well. It is so nice to have zoom and pan in plan view with the super smooth joystick control. It makes zooming in to place dimension tools accurately with the ability to travel 75' away, zoom in quickly again and place the other end without clicking anything else or having to take additional steps like temporarily suspending the dimension tool to activate the PAN tool, or spinning the wheel on my other mouse. I don't play video games, but my kid said it's like a dad's version of a game controller. 


I am not sure exactly how much more efficient the Enterprise will make my workflow go, but I am convinced that it will be the gift that keeps on giving the more comfortable I become with it. I'm sure that the cost of it will be recouped very quickly and the enjoyment of using it will be long lasting. 

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Hi @ValleyGuy, yes definitely a game changer and I have installed CAX10 & X15 trial on my Mac too. I have a cordless space mouse with my left hand and a cordless Cadmouse on my right and a number key pad at my left and a small keyboard on the right (Key pad and key board in the middle). If we are restricted to 4 on the radial commands, you can create different instances or groups of 4 commands if you want to. Smoother navigation in 3D is great when it is all set up correctly. I couldn’t go back to just using a mouse to navigate. Those tools are especially designed for CAD professionals.

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16 hours ago, ValleyGuy said:

It is nice, have you experienced any issues with the controller seizing up in 3D as I have explained above?

It’s not always perfect in CA on my machine but works extremely well in my other CAD app.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the problem to the joystick seizing up..... which may occur to anyone using a 3D mouse - PC or Mac.


'Rolling' is not supported in CA.   As soon as I disabled this feature, the joystick has worked flawlessly. 


I'm loving this Space Mouse, I even put the foot key stroke ( ' ) on it, as my number pad doesn't have one, and it is so much easier just entering measurements too. 



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  • 1 month later...

After a couple of months with this new mouse, there are a few things that are not as they first seemed. As stated above, the joystick glitching has been solved. And now, thanks to Rene Rabbitt, the common library items that I thought were not possible to have in the radial dials, are indeed possible. I haven't found anything in my library yet that couldn't be attached to the Space Mouse. This ballooned up the number of items at my finger tips and drastically reduced the number of trips that I need to take to the library. It just gets better and better. I've attached a pic showing how adding library items is done.


Another important item that I would like to suggest for anyone getting started with one of these 3D mice, is to come up with some sort of system to stay organized. I have made many changes over the past couple of months and I suspect a little more fine tuning or adding will be sure to follow (hopefully some new fantastic tools in X16 will be added). Having said that, I wasted quite a bit of time in confusion before I came up with a way to keep the tools 'mapped' out to strategize grouping. I found that certain buttons are easier to use because of their physical location and then proceeded to redefine the tools associated with the different buttons. It is much easier now that I have a paper copy to reference while I reprogram the mouse. The paper page also is a great reference pinned to the wall beside my screen if I need to quickly check it. I've included a picture of how I've been tracking my tools per button on paper. You will create your own system and find your own groove I'm sure. 


If you haven't used one of these Space Mice yet, I highly recommend it. I'm in no way very tech savvy at all, so I'm sure that most everyone that can figure out CA will for sure be able to get a handle on this mouse. I'm not going to downplay the effort that it takes to get tools and items selected, labeled or hot keyed, grouped and organized, and then all programmed in, but it doesn't compare to the amount of effort to get your default settings, templates, layer sets, library, hot keys and everything else that you might spend time setting up and maintaining in CA. It is worth the effort and I will confirm that this 3D mouse does make things flow a lot more easily and production does increase significantly. 


 1931924171_SpaceMouselibraryItems.thumb.png.2b24dafd0fbb65a15ed4e7766f00cb76.png  1607897291_Asof040124.thumb.png.767fe9f9970c81843a9122e8e1451483.png

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/19/2024 at 1:44 AM, mthd97 said:

Hi @ValleyGuy, yes definitely a game changer and I have installed CAX10 & X15 trial on my Mac too. I have a cordless space mouse with my left hand and a cordless Cadmouse on my right and a number key pad at my left and a small keyboard on the right (Key pad and key board in the middle). If we are restricted to 4 on the radial commands, you can create different instances or groups of 4 commands if you want to. Smoother navigation in 3D is great when it is all set up correctly. I couldn’t go back to just using a mouse to navigate. Those tools are especially designed for CAD professionals.

Would love to see a how to video, this sounds amazing!  

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@DefinedDesign @Michael_Gia @mthd97hey everyone, thanks for your enthusiasm and confidence with my skills to make a video. I never made one yet, but it looks pretty straight forward and easy on YouTube lol. I'll try and make one tomorrow. Today is a milestone birthday for my wife and I have my hands full, ...and all the counter tops, sinks, fridge, the neighbour's fridge...  Hats off to all those comfortable in the kitchen. I draw and have built houses, apartments, even an airport hanger... but cooking finger foods and baking snacks for 75 guests .... food is an evil necessity!!  Who would have thought that the most dangerous thing in the kitchen was a vegetable? ... I guess peppers leave a residue even after you wash your hands... lesson learned = Don't touch your eyes!

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@DefinedDesign  @Michael_Gia  I think I managed a couple of videos, here are the links.  I'm sure there are all kinds of people using 3D mice on CA with all kinds of different techniques and different skill levels. I've only had it a few months now and here are some of the things that I have done with it. Maybe others could add some tips or ideas for you as well.


The set up of the mouse video


The In-Use Demo video


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1 hour ago, ValleyGuy said:

@DefinedDesign  @Michael_Gia  I think I managed a couple of videos, here are the links.  I'm sure there are all kinds of people using 3D mice on CA with all kinds of different techniques and different skill levels. I've only had it a few months now and here are some of the things that I have done with it. Maybe others could add some tips or ideas for you as well.


The set up of the mouse video


The In-Use Demo video


Cool videos, you really have programmed that device to the max to work with Chief.

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10 minutes ago, mthd97 said:

Cool videos, you really have programmed that device to the max to work with Chief.

Thanks, it works well. I'm very happy with it, well worth the investment and the effort to get it up and running.

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18 hours ago, ValleyGuy said:

@DefinedDesign  @Michael_Gia  I think I managed a couple of videos, here are the links.  I'm sure there are all kinds of people using 3D mice on CA with all kinds of different techniques and different skill levels. I've only had it a few months now and here are some of the things that I have done with it. Maybe others could add some tips or ideas for you as well.


The set up of the mouse video


The In-Use Demo video


Thank you! These videos are fantastic and have truly enlightened me on the time-saving potential. Adding it straight to my Christmas wishlist! Your dedication and time spent teaching us how to master the space mouse on a Mac is sincerely appreciated. Your accent even brings a touch of home to mind; growing up in Maine, it's like a slice of my childhood with Anne of Green Gables nostalgia. Fond memories of New England and Nova Scotia flood back. Thanks once more!

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9 minutes ago, DefinedDesign said:

Thank you! These videos are fantastic and have truly enlightened me on the time-saving potential. Adding it straight to my Christmas wishlist! Your dedication and time spent teaching us how to master the space mouse on a Mac is sincerely appreciated. Your accent even brings a touch of home to mind; growing up in Maine, it's like a slice of my childhood with Anne of Green Gables nostalgia. Fond memories of New England and Nova Scotia flood back. Thanks once more!

You are quite welcome Lisa, I'm glad that I could help while also sparking a memory of yesteryears.

I'm not exactly sure how the MacBook is with the 3D mouse as I have an iMac, but I suspect that it should work the same. I wonder if the MacBook with additional exterior monitors may be an issue as I've heard of a couple of people having tool bar issues - both on MacBooks.

Good luck with it, and hopefully Christmas comes early for you.

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13 hours ago, para-CAD said:

Thanks for this thread.


My space mouse is amazing in sketch up......and "no joy" in chief.

I'm remotivated to try again.  Thanks

You are welcome. I don't have any other programs that I use the space mouse on so I have nothing to compare it to in that regard. I understand the "no joy" a bit, I did almost send the thing back at the start because I was having so many problems with very little set up help offered at the start. Even the instructions manual is geared toward PC equipment. The joystick freezing up when both mice are moving at the same time is a bit frustrating, but getting more tolerable the more disciplined I get at completely letting go of my roller ball mouse. Thank goodness exiting CA and re launching it only takes 20 seconds. I really only use the joystick in plan view while building the model, and a few times I built the whole house without using the joystick at all. I like how the joystick really excels when doing a customer walk-through though, where I have very little roller ball mouse interference grief. It's the buttons that I really appreciate the most and I'm trying to keep the mind frame as I do with all the other tools I work with ... it is what it is and does only what it does. So I try and minimize the self-inflicted frustrations.

Good luck with giving it a second chance.

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