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  1. DefinedDesign's post in Pan using Magic Mouse on MacBook Pro was marked as the answer   
    I overlooked the answer in the CA Manual - here is the answer if anyone else needs it:

    In the Mac version of Chief Architect, you can pan using the left mouse button and Option key.
  2. DefinedDesign's post in X12 Editing 2D CAD Blocks Assigned to 3D Electrical Symbols was marked as the answer   
    This is what I did to get what I needed:

    Add a Quadraplex Outlet and a GFCI Outlet to Working Plan View:
    >Select the Quadraplex Outlet in the plan and Select CAD> CAD Block Management  from the menu, and in the list of CAD blocks, find the Quadraplex CAD block and select it.
    >With the CAD block selected, click the Insert button, then click somewhere in the drawing area to place a copy of the selected CAD block.
    >Select the newly placed CAD Block click the Explode CAD Block edit button.
    >Select the GFCI Outlet in the plan and Select CAD> CAD Block Management  from the menu, and in the list of CAD blocks, find the GFCI CAD block and select it.
    >With the CAD block selected, click the Insert button, then click somewhere in the drawing area to place a copy of the selected CAD block.
    >Select the newly placed CAD Block click the Explode CAD Block edit button.

    >Now that both CAD Blocks are exploded move the GFCI letters over to the Quadraplex symbol.  Delete the rest of the GFCI symbol.
    >Using the Select Objects tool, left-click and drag a marquee around the newly created Quadraplex GFCI symbol.
    >With the objects selected, click the Make CAD Block edit button to block the objects back together.
    >Select the block and click the Open Object edit button.
    >On the General panel of the CAD Block Specification dialog that displays, type a short, descriptive name for the CAD block, then click OK.
    >To use this newly created CAD block for the electrical symbol, select the Quadraplex symbol placed in the plan in the first step above, then click the Open Symbol edit button.
    >On the 2D Block panel of the Symbol Specification dialog, select the block created in the previous step from the list of Available CAD Blocks, then click OK.
    >Add the symbol with its customized 2D block to the User Catalog folder in the Library Browser by selecting the symbol and clicking the Add to Library edit tool, right click on the symbol in the User Catalog folder and name to Quadraplex GFCI.

    Hope this helps anyone who needs it.  Please comment if there is a simpler way to achieve this, always willing to learn!
  3. DefinedDesign's post in View Draw Order Edit Tools don't populate was marked as the answer   
    I ungrouped everything with the table and chairs and then grouped the table and chairs and the table stayed on top.  I appreciate your help.  Still don't understand why it would not work with some of chairs grouped.

    I am very grateful for your help in troubleshooting this issue.