Dimension Fraction Issue


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Does anyone know how to turn off or in some way fix this odd fraction issue? I feel embarrassed having this on my plan and having to make a framer figure out what 2/3" is - somewhere between 5/8" and 11/16". - I have my fraction set to 1/16" as smallest so figure it should round up or down. ???


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2 hours ago, stevenyhof said:

Sorry, wrong plan

This is correct - Thank you!


It's doing that because your Dimension Default is set to Distance Rounding. Change the Primary Format to "Grid Rounding" and the problem goes away.




And I would absolutely urge you to change your dimension defaults. Most of your user dim defaults beginning with an * are set to use Distance Rounding, which has the potential to introduce dimension errors in your dimension string. (You also should check "Use Greatest Common Divisor" instead of "Use Closest Fraction.)


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23 minutes ago, Chrisb222 said:


It's doing that because your Dimension Default is set to Distance Rounding. Change the Primary Format to "Grid Rounding" and the problem goes away.




And I would absolutely urge you to change your dimension defaults. Most of your user dim defaults beginning with an * are set to use Distance Rounding, which has the potential to introduce dimension errors in your dimension string. (You also should check "Use Greatest Common Divisor" instead of "Use Closest Fraction.)


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Thank you - I will fix this. I don't like to make the framers think.

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