camera not showing in layout


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I'm trying to show the perspective camera on the plan view in layout,


but it will not show. it shows perfectly fine on the plan view in the plan


any ideas, seems like a rather simple thing?


The normal elevation callouts show just fine. Must be something simple.


If I change the camera specification to show as callout it will show on layout, but I would like to show the field of view, and the callout does not shopw the field of view


Is this possible (other than "as image")?










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hmm, not sure if I understand, if I change to a callout in the camera specification it changes to callout on the plan, and then the callout shows up on layout.


But if I leave it showing the camera and not the callout, and If i change the layerset to all on, it still does not show the camera on the layout, but shows on plan





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  On 2/13/2023 at 12:28 AM, SHCanada2 said:

If i change the layerset to all on, it still does not show the camera on the layout, but shows on plan




Did you "refresh" the Layout View?  text and dimensions refresh auto pretty quickly , other things may not......


PS I have not tried this myself , just thinking out loud :) 



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