Need help with Roof and Exterior wall issues


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Hi, I'd like some guidance as to what's the best way to do the following:


1) PIC 1- This house has multiple shed rooves and I'm not sure this is how they should be drawn? I created each of them individually. Is there a way to automatically generate these rooves like shown?


2) PIC 2-I can't add the missing triangular exterior wall on top of the lower roof . Also, how can I get the shingles of the portion of that roof below to now show or be removed?


3)PIC 3 How can I make the highlited portion of the wall be just an interior wall instead of the exterior wall? I only drew it continuous so the wall goes all the way to the higher roof .


4)PIC 4- How can I get rid of that sub-roof that is on my shed roof? I don't want it, I don't even know how it sneaked in there.


Here is a link to the file

Thank you for your time and help! I'm really struggling here.





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There is a lot of things going on with this plan. I reset walls to default top/bottom to start and went on from there. You had some walls set to balloon...but, with your second floor and other things most of these walls should have been left to automatic...and use an attic wall above. 


Take a look at the attached and make any needed changes. I got the roof on...although I did it all manually. I got your cheek walls in (walls above the roof)...using "roof cuts wall at bottom". 


FYI - I stripped a lot of stuff out of the plan (furniture primarily) in order to get the size down. You had a bunch of imported cad lines that were adding 5mb to the file. 

Kruk - Edited by My Chief

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Thank you, kind sir! I use Chief x12 so I can't really open it. Can you send it in that version please?

I have a question. Assuming I already did a bunch of cameras work to send to layouts, if I copy your model into my model ( deleting my model, but pasting in place) will the work in the layout still be there? In other words, If I replace my model with yours ( in my original model file), will I keep the layouts?

Thanks again


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