Sudden Ray Trace Issues


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Out of nowhere, I am having major problems with my ray traces. For years I have been able to generate decent renderings without much manipulation to the settings, and now I don't know what is going on. In CPU Ray Tracing, my renderings are so dark you can hardly see anything, and in physically based, my ray traces are grainy and materials are not showing up properly. 

I uploaded my model here. In a similar model, I was able to get the renderings to look okay by turning up the can lighting so high that I couldn't even see anything in the standard model view because it was so bright. I have never had any of these issues before, I am lost. 

I've attached the model here, as well as a couple of images in standard view and in the CPU ray trace. 


Thanks so much for the help in advance. 

CPU Ray Trace.jpg

Standard View.jpg

McKean_Kitchen - Copy.zipFetching info...

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You need much more light than the 30 Lumens you have specified now, try bumping that up to around 750. You could also try changing the can lights to spots instead of point lights with a moderate lumen setting and tn use added light sources set at 500-1000 lumens (you'll need to experiment a bit) and place them no more than 60in high (to avoid a bright spot on the ceiling. I'd also keep the ambient light at a minimum (too much makes the scene look flat) and try adding some sunlight.

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@ericepv understood, but it's very difficult to work in a model that looks like the attached image.. and the rendering is still dark too (image of this attached too). I know I sound like a broken record, it's just strange because this has never happened to me before, and I am not doing anything different with my models that I can figure out. I appreciate the responses and help so much! 

Camera View 750 Lumens.jpg

CPU Ray Trace 750 Lumens.jpg

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Make all of your adjustments first and then turn on the additional lighting for your RT. As an alternative, have you considered a PBR RT instead? I've found this method provides superior results for interior renderings and is much quicker.



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  On 11/3/2022 at 5:30 PM, cbdesign said:

I am not doing anything different with my models that I can figure out


The lights on the ceiling are puck lights, normally used for under cabinet lighting. Is that intentional? Also, they are point lights when they should be spot lights.

I'd suggest trying the 4" or 6" recessed light from the library and make sure it is a spot light. For a Ray Trace, you will need accurate lumens settings, about 850 for each light.

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Experiment with beamspread, dropoff, distance from, and lumens.  Also shadows on/off.  

I usually also place a point light about head-high somewhere and maybe a low-lumen spot to light dim areas like corners and knee space under overhanging island tops.

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