Help! Turning off dimensions!


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Hey everyone,


New here....and a student


So I was going forward and creating a plan and everything was great.


Next thing I know ALL the dimensions are showing.  It looks like the matrix and my brain hurts.


I tried help section and tutorials and everyone show how to use dimensions but not how to turn them off.


Now everything is all screwed up because I can't even show dimensions on a new wall while matrix is still showing up.


I have tried resetting defaults but nothing.   I am about to uninstall this and reinstall it but how did I get here.


Everything was great until it wasn't

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Is there away of completely going back to default


File>New Plan?  Assuming that you haven't changed the default template, this will start a new plan with all of the out-of-box defaults.  Without knowing what you changed, it's a bit hard to tell you how to get back to the defaults.  You can import most of the defaults but this won't necessarily reset all of the things in your plan that you have already drawn. 


Also, an uninstall/reinstall will not change any of your plans.  This would only solve problems where the installed files have been accidently removed or corrupted somehow.


As for your dimension problem, DJP is showing you how to turn of the layer so that they don't display.  They are still there though, just hidden. 


If you want to get rid of them entirely, you could click on one of the dimension tools, and then draw a "marquee" around all of the ones in your plan, and then hit delete.  If you have automatic refresh for dimensions turned on, you will get a prompt asking if you want to turn it off. If you turn off auto refresh and delete them, they won't come back until you either draw them manually or use one of the auto dimension tools.


It would actually be more helpful if you posted your plan or at least a picture showing what you are seeing though.  A "matrix" of dimensions may indicate that you have some other problem going on.  Just hiding or deleting your dimensions may not really help you in this case.  As an example, I have seen problems where you will get your auto exterior dimensions inside your house when you have messed up your room definitions (or wall connections).  In this case, getting rid of the dimensions does not solve the real problem.


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8 hours ago, artistwantab said:



Is there away of completely going back to default.



Start over from scratch but try to learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them. All of us had a hard time when we started to use this or any software, you are not unique in this.



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Thank you both...


So here is what my page looks like.  


To better explain...


The way it used to be is it was showing the exteriors dimensions or interior dimenstions.   Then when I clicked on a wall to modify it would show those dimensions to adjust and modify. 

Now it seems to be showing interior and exterior dimension and now when I draw a new wall it shows me no dimensions.


Thanks in advance for the help.


I am going to try to create a new plan and see if I can do a side by comparison to find out what it off.


Attached is a image what it looks like.


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Ok...So I got the dimension to work when working on a specific wall.


Its the T <----> tool on the right not checked.


So that is what I had off. 


Turn off - auto dimension and turn on T <------>


Thank you both.  I wouldn't have figured it out without your insight.  

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So it looks like your automatic dimensions are generating too many automatic dimensions.  My best guess is that you have generated both automatic exterior and interior dimensions or have setup your automatic dimensions with too many things turned on.  It would be much easier to diagnose with a plan file.  If just hiding them and turning your temp dimensions back on allows you to continue working, then that's fine but if you want to turn them back on later you might still have a hot mess.  You can always delete them and regenerate them and if you still get too many you can then work on figuring out why.


You may also have been bit by this same problem:


Also, in your first picture above, it looks like you have angle snaps turned off.  I highly recommend that you keep angle snaps turned on.  If you need a specific wall at an unusual angle, you can always set it's angle to whatever you want.  If you need to design a portion of a building at an odd angle, you can add the angles to your "allowed angles" in your general plan defaults.


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15 hours ago, artistwantab said:

I need to look up how to delete created auto dimensions but having them off is working fine.


Edit>Delete Objects> ( All Floors at the Top ) > CAD > Dimensions (Auto and Manual) > agree to any warning messages about Auto dims to turn them off....


If things are Really screwed up Defaults Wise Import the Defaults from the Residential Template Plan and Overwrite the Existing Defaults, so the current Plan is "Factory Fresh"  and you can start again...  ( see pg 93 of the Manual if needed )





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