Behaviour Indicators


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Awhile I posted an issue I was having with my Behaviour indicators. 


Essentially what happens is I will be working in Chief (in model space, paper space, or CAD Details space it matters not...) and suddenly my behaviours will begin to take on a life of their own.


I ENSURE that I am constantly on "Default" but it seems to alternate between concentric or "move" style of actions. Building a CAD box and breaking a point to get it to have a 5th line... and the grip does not respond as such.


I have no idea if this is a Chief issue, or a computer issue, but there is no rhyme or reason to when it happens, just like there is no indication on when it will go back to how it should respond (which it always does) although I am seeing this issue begin to occur more and more. It makes it damn near impossible to work efficiently and get professional looking drawings completed when you have no idea how your software is going to act on any given day. 


I put myself at the mercy of the council so to speak. Perhaps it is an issue with using X3?


Nearing tears...


- Chaos

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I had a similar problem and it was the Hot Keys getting in the way, just check and see if you might be setting off the hot key by mistake.

Professor, you are clearly an old AutoCAD user, with your talk of paper space and model space. I am very often victim to what Perry mentions - I forget that in CA I don't have to terminate a "hotkey" command with Enter or Spacebar. This results in lots of "weird" behavior, when CA and my AutoCAD brain are out of sync. Just a notion - not saying it's your actual problem.

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