Deck planking and rim framing


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From where does Chief pull the description for deck planking, and from where does it determine size (width not depth) of rim joists?


And once planking is generated, how does one edit its thickness so it gets called out correctly in the material list?


I've got decks built and needed to edit the framing, because while it correctly placed 2x8 P.T. joists, it somehow picked up 1-1/8 x 7-1/4 as rims and called them out as P.T.  Editing is tedious because the resize is concentric so all the perimeter parts have to get edited for length and placement.


Now I want to edit the planks to be 1" thickness, not the 1-1/8 Chief built (and calls 1-1/4" in the material list.  I can edit the planks for thickness, but not their description.


And what setting does one do to have decks built with perimeter joists (rims) done in the same size as joists, and not at 1-1/8" thickness.



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1 hour ago, GeneDavis said:

Now I want to edit the planks to be 1" thickness, not the 1-1/8 Chief built (and calls 1-1/4" in the material list.  I can edit the planks for thickness, but not their description.

This is probably because 5/4 decking is actually ≈1"x5.5". Chief 'knows' this so when you specify decking that is 1"x5 1/2" it calls them out as 1 1/4x6...whereas 5/4x6 may be a better description due to the nomenclature of the lumber industry.

Keep in mind that if you order 1x6's with the intention of using them for decking, you wouldn't be very happy with the material that arrived on site. 

In "Structural Member Reporting", you can add a 5/4x6 lumber board with a specified length which will then give you a piece count in your material list instead of a lineal foot report. And while it will report 1 1/4" should be pronounced 5/4" which will then make sense to anyone. You may need to make that one edit manually in the material list.

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Here is a little plan I did to examine the situation.  I set the deck plank thickness in the specs at 1".


The 3D model complies with the spec, but the material list is still calling the deck planks 1 1/4 x 5 1/2, even though I placed 1 x 5 1/2 PT lengths in the structural reporting matrix.


Oh, and the annoying rim thing.  Find me a way to specify in defaults, deck rims separately from floor frame rims.


Here's a tidbit for you.  When I began working for ThermaTru Doors, way long ago, I did their purchasing.  Lotta ponderosa pine parts bought each month, sometimes as much as 25 full truckloads.  All made from "5/4 plump."  It's a term in the pine remanufacturing biz, the biz that makes everybody's door and window parts.  How about that?  Plump!  And I know what it means.

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28 minutes ago, GeneDavis said:

Oh, and the annoying rim thing.  Find me a way to specify in defaults, deck rims separately from floor frame rims.


You can't. I find this really annoying too. I've made the suggestion to separate those directly to Chief. Send in a suggestion as well.

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