Sending Plans To Home Designer Pro


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What can you NOT edit in Home Designer Pro when you load a plan created in Chief Premier marked to allow editing in HD?

I would like to know what I'd be missing.

I enjoy Chief as a hobby but my wife would like it if I downgraded to HD Pro to avoid the yearly $450 SSA fee.

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Any feature that Chief has that PRO doesn't would likely be non-editable


probably best to discuss with CA's sales or tech support


PRO can do renders but not raytracing


PRO has a 1 page layout with minimal layout tools

you can have many pages but only one page open at a time


many other limitations as PRO costs approx. 20% of Chief


is there any way to earn $500 via Chief to justify the SSA fee ???



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Yeah I don't care about layout at all. I might miss ray-tracing but the standard renderings and walk-throughs are good. I'm mostly asking about 3D stuff I edit all the time: cabinets, windows, doors, walls, roof, etc.


Still not completely sold on the downgrade idea, but we do have medical bills, a rental in need of siding before it can be sold, and a down payment for a new house to save for (and the wife and kids are way past tired of living in an apartment). Getting the $1000 from the sale and not worrying about the SSA fee is starting to look better.


I would love to design small homes but then you have codes, liability, etc. not worth it for part-time work. Now there are enough very good just 3D modelers/rendering artists that I think it would be difficult to compete even for the little work I'd need, especially as little as I'm available (I work full-time right now doing something else that pays pretty good). Unless someone likes the models/designs I create and has some kind of use for them. Chief Architect/Home Designer Sample Plans?


I know the $450 shouldn't seem like that much but the timing is awful, mine's due right before Christmas. I bet if it were income-tax season my wife would even lift an eyebrow.

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Buying HD Pro is $500 , so is SSA, but with SSA you will get X7 when it comes out , the option is just to let SSA expire and continue using X6/X7 without SSA, it's not like the Program will stop working or anything . BTW it is $200 each time to upgrade HD Pro too I think? not quite 1/2 of SSA.

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Getting the $1000 from the sale...

$2000 - $450 for SSA - $50 transfer fee - $500 for HD Pro = $1000. That's not the selling price and it is not yet for sale, that's what I would pocket if I did sell.


I didn't know they even thought of X7 yet. Perhaps I can be convinced to keep it. :)

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Jason, the key to any viable bussiness is promotion (making yourseld positively known to potential clients). I have been self-employed since 1979 with its ups and downs. But promotion is a constant task: I maintain ads on Craigslist, Angies' list, a website, a You Tube Channel, Facebook page, Houzz and other communication venues. I really love doing this kind of work and I make sure that as many persons as I can know that.

You are a talented, experienced, long-time Chief Architect user so you have valuable talents that others can use. You should not consider that just because others also do what you do and use what you use somehow lessons your own importance, it does not.

There is a Universal Law of LIfe which is "Outflow equals in-flow" by that it is meant that the more positive promotion (communication) of your creative services and products others can see and know of will tend to correlate with how much requests for paid work you receive over time.

So in order to achieve and maintain an abundance, you promote like Mad always.


Your only limiting factor as to income is your willingness to have it and ask for it, so ask for it.



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