Foundation plan dims


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I am away from my desk so I am attaching sketches on post its. Is it common practice AND why does chief default to dimensioning slabs with brick ledges as shown? (Outer edge of exterior stud) Wouldn't the overall dimension including the brick ledges be correct? I have to manually add the 5" ledge dims just so you know.


I use auto exterior dims.


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6 minutes ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:
15 minutes ago, Kbird1 said:

Move layer 1,2, and 3 down in to the main layer as Gene suggested , Brick walls are a "special" type , I think this is mentioned in the Ref. Manual.





10-4.........will do. thanks guys


Redefining the Brick layer as the Wall Dimension Layer may also work......



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10 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

You shouldn't need to be moving anything to down to the main layer.  As Eric pointed out above, it can and should work just fine.  Post a quick plan, it's gotta be one of your other settings.

alaskan, i copied a wall type and revised it to my needs so that is probably where i got the layers wrong.

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Rob, by now you probably have figured this out.


One cannot generate a brick ledge unless the brick layer of the wall is designated EXTERIOR in the wall layer spec.  In the image below, you can see that I have the 3-5/8" brick and the 1-3/8" air gap both in that exterior layer group.  Generating the foundation gives me the proper and as-specified 5" deep ledge.


To get the dimensions in plan view to pull from the outside of brick (and foundation) you select the brick layer as the one for dimensions, as shown.



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16 hours ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:





Here's another little detail that must be considered.  In order for a Brick Ledge to automatically generate, right or wrong, Chief seems to need a framing layer to tell it where to stop cutting the brick ledge.  In the example wall type you posted above, you won't be able to get an auto generated brick ledge at all unless either;


A.  You force one by using a sneaky wall definition for your Slab Footing walls below (I believe this is what you did and why your dimensions aren't generating like in Eric's example).

B.  You change the material definition for that Block layer to be a Framing type.

C.  You set your upper walls to be pony walls and assign a special wall type to your lower wall that exactly matches your upper wall but with a framing layer instead of a block layer.  Just set the top of your lower wall to zero (or whatever your floor level is).


-For scenario A, you should just have to change the "Dimension To" layer for that particular wall type.  Note that this method doesn't actually produce a brick ledge at all but only addresses your plan view concerns.  The 3D foundation won't be right and you may have to modify your section views to get them to be what you want.

-For scenario B, you should be good to go for purposes of your OP, but you'll have other little issues to deal with if generating Auto Details, material lists, and/or schedules.

-For scenario C you should have no problems at all except that you won't be able to use the Pony Wall definition for anything else at that level, and if you have a stepped foundation, you'll have to modify the lower wall top height in an elevation view.


Hope that helps.

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