Chief Arch X9 compatibilty with HDP 18 Products


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X 10 is compatible only with HD 2019

X9 is compatible only with HD 2018

X8 with HD 2017

X7 with HD 2016 etc

In order to actually share the plan file with Home Designer users is to, while open in Chief go to "General Plan Defaults" and you will find a checkbox there for programming the plan file for use in Home Designer Products. ONLY when that is checked and you then save the plan in Chief will any HD user be able to edit the plan thereafter.


I do this all the time with various Home Designer users.



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wow, I knew there was a correlation since I started with HD PRO 6 - compatible with v9.5


but I thought that Chief could work with any "earlier" versions of the HD products


it is limited to a one to one relationship with the versions ?


If so. that sorta stinks



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Lew, et al, it has always been this way: Newer versions can open older versions but once saved older versions cannot then after, open or edit those same files, whether Chief Premier or Home Designer Pro, top to bottom. The matching Chief Premier can work with the matching versions of Home Designer (with one exception: Chief Premier layout files cannot be edited in Home Designer Pro of any version. Home Designer pro you create one layout for each printed page and of course, Chief Premier's layout is capable of multiple printed pages per .layout file.


I just finished a set of plans for a Home Designer Pro user and had to make 21 layout files, one for each printed page!



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  On 11/20/2018 at 11:57 PM, lbuttery said:

so just to be clear X10 can set the edit flag and work with and version of HD products



I do not understand your statement or question as stated, sorry. X10 can open any version of Home Designer .plan files back to around Home Designer Version 6 that you started with. But once saved in X10 NO earlier versions than Home Designer 2019 can thereafter edit that plan file and ONLY if the X10 user programs the .plan file to be so edited (found in General Plan Defaults in X10).



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