Wall Material, Wall Finish Material, Wall Coverings, Wall Material Regions


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This is so messed up it isn't funny.  In the Room FinishSchedule:

  • Wall Material and Wall Finish Material are the same.  These are taken from the Wall Type definition.  Schedule columns are ridiculous.
  • Wall Coverings are listed separately but they are applied to all the wall surfaces in the room and only as horizontal bands.  Separating them on different walls isn't possible.
  • Wall Material Regions can be assigned to individual walls or even parts of walls - great flexibility but they don't appear in the Schedule.
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1 hour ago, Joe_Carrick said:

Wall Coverings are listed separately but they are applied to all the wall surfaces in the room and only as horizontal bands.  Separating them on different walls isn't possible.



I am not sure I follow you 100%.

You can assign Wall Coverings on a wall by wall basis, or by the room basis.

ie, Wall Coverings don't have to be "applied to all the wall surfaces in the room".

But yes, all the Wall Coverings in the room are listed in the 1 column.

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1 hour ago, glennw said:



I am not sure I follow you 100%.

You can assign Wall Coverings on a wall by wall basis, or by the room basis.

ie, Wall Coverings don't have to be "applied to all the wall surfaces in the room".

But yes, all the Wall Coverings in the room are listed in the 1 column.

Hi Glenn,


I didn't see it in the wall dbx before, but it's still messed up in terms of how the schedule displays it.  There really needs to be a separate set of columns for each wall of a room.  In addition, the Wall Material Region doesn't appear in the schedule at all.

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2 minutes ago, Doug_N said:



You are saying that the room finish schedule only shows one finish type despite the actual finishes on various room walls?



No, it will show all the finishes but not which walls the finishes are on.

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