Temporary Dimensions Gone


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Hello again. I know this seems like a silly question but I am starting a new plan (after learning on a really difficult project with a dodecagon shaped house), and I was looking forward to doing something simple. 


So I start drawing my new walls, in a new plan, and I don't get the temporary dimensions as I am drawing walls. I may have made some changes in the other plan, but to my knowledge, never to the preferences, only to the (plan specific) defaults, so now that I am starting a new plan, should it not be as it once was? I am using x6 and when I first started, the temporary dimensions were there.


I have checked all my defaults, looked in the manual, and looked for any current videos that might explain why they are gone, but I can't find any cause. 

Please help.

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I just experienced this on a mature plan (Lots of objet and materials in play) while using the Wall Material Region tool.  I fussed with settings for about 2 minutes, then saved my work and rebooted.  Like many things w/CA, if you do a memory dump via reboot, all will be right with your plan--and so it was.



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