Roof Eave (soffit) lining height


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How do I raise the eave sheet.


I thought this happened automatically. When I reduce the roof overhang from 600 to 550 the eave sheet is staying at the same level. How do I raise the eave sheet or set it automatically to adjust relevative to the overhang.


See the attached


I use chief X8



Roof Eave.pdfFetching info...

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  • Solution
  On 8/30/2016 at 5:50 AM, RobWhite said:

How do I raise the eave sheet.


I thought this happened automatically. When I reduce the roof overhang from 600 to 550 the eave sheet is staying at the same level. How do I raise the eave sheet or set it automatically to adjust relevative to the overhang.


See the attached


I use chief X8




Attach the plan.....  but the quick answer is the soffit elevation is a function of the SUBFASCIA.  


If you post a plan,  I bet you will get more answers.  You have been around awhile,  you know to post the plan for the best answers.  

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Build... Roof...Edit All Roof Planes...Structure panel...Roof Size...reduce the size of the Eave Sub Fascia.


If you build the roof framing and display the Framing, Roof Rafters layer in a section view, you will see the sub fascia and how it effects the eaves height.


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