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Everything posted by ComputerMaster86

  1. Hi Robert, I just made the jump of purchasing CA about four months ago. So I am new to CA as well. Preferences control the program, they have an effect on all the files you open with the software. Once you get to know how all these settings effect the program, you can set all those settings up to your liking. Once all those settings are set to your liking, they will not change unless you change them again. For preferences, you don't have to worry about creating a template file. Default Settings only affect the current drawing you have open. If you want those settings to have an affect on future drawings, you have to create a template and use that template to create new drawings. Once you get know the different default settings and what they control, as well as, what settings you typically like to use, you can create a template file that has all those settings saved in it. I even have a template file that I started the week of new years. As I learn more about these default settings and what they control, I will often go in and tweak and update my template file. The idea behind default settings is to change all settings to values that are going to be common to your drawing. For example, you might have an interior door style you want to use on all or most of your interior doors. If you was to set up that door style under the default settings, you would not have to change that every time you place an interior door. Another example would be wall types. You may have a wall type you like to use for exterior walls and a wall type you want to use for interior walls. You could set your default wall settings so that every time you click on the exterior wall tool, it defaults to the exterior wall type you like to use. That also works for the interior wall tool and many many other tools.
  2. Hi, Can both Chief Architect X7 and X8 be installed on the same computer without the installations conflicting with each other? I have heard CA will allow a person to upgrade to X8 but, still be able to use X7. I just don't want to mess up my X7 installation.
  3. I know this might be a dumb question but, do they come out with the newest version of chief architect about the same time every year or does it vary a little? When will X8 (non-beta) likely be released? My understanding is the beta version is out now.
  4. Are you talking about the stair break line, featured in the video linked below or another feature?
  5. My four and a half year old Dell desktop has an Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40 Ghz. Makes wonder how it wood compare to the newer Intel i7-4790K CPU @ 4.0Ghz, in terms of renderings. Both are four core processors. If I was to ever build myself a dedicated CADD / work computer, I would probably consider the 4790K. However, I have often wondered what role more processor cores play in terms of speed and time it takes to generate renderings,
  6. I am not a computer programmer but, I can only imagine it takes quite some time to add a feature or tweak an existing feature and get it working correctly. Probably hours upon hours of writing code and then executing the source code and testing it for bugs. Just imagine being forced to go back and use some really old version of CA. I am new to the software but, watching all the previews, Chief Architect X8 is looking to be a real winner to me.
  7. I figured it out. When I was playing around with my template file, it was placing an interior door. That was based on the fact I was placing a door in a single exterior wall. I didn't have any other walls drawn in to form an actual room. Once I drew an actual room with four walls, it worked right off. Anyhow, thanks everybody. I will adjust my defaults for all other door options and play around with inserting doors.
  8. Hi, I am in the process of changing, adjusting and tweaking my default settings so I can create a template file. I have my template file already started. I have just changed the settings under Default Settings > Doors > Exterior Door. This all leads to a general question. Is there any way to place door, when using the template I have made, that has these same settings? If there is a way to do this, I guess I don't know how? I do understand how to place a door in general. I just don't how to place a door that has the same settings I set under Default Settings > Doors > Exterior Door. Thanks in advanced for your guys help. I know this is probably a pretty easy thing to do. I could be misunderstanding what the settings for "Exterior Door Defaults" control.
  9. Hi, do you still host any user group meetings. If you do, I am interested in joining the user group meetings.
  10. Support and Software Assurance (SSA) appears to be well worth money considering you get access to all the online library content (both newly added and existing libraries), ability to download and upgrade to the newest version of Chief Architect at no extra cost and priority technical support. If your SSA runs out and you don't renew it, you will not get access to the things I just mentioned. SSA also allows you to get a discount if you join any of CA's pay-to-attend online training webinar's.
  11. I am anxious to learn and really get to know this software. Some of the new X8 features look very interesting. I have heard about the problems people have had with corner windows. I am now wondering if those issues are now fixed in X8.