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Posts posted by Larry_Sweeney

  1. I have a wall with the same material (wood shingles) on both sides. I decided to make it a pony wall and change the lower pony wall's material to white beadboard on the inside. When I look at the wall in the window when setting the wall type it shows beadboard in the correct area. When I click on the wall in render view and go to the material list for the wall it shows the interior lower wall material as the white beadboard, but when I view the pony wall in render view it stills shows it as having shingles on the lower inside wall. when I click on the lower inside pony wall with the "adjust material definiton" tool it shows the shingles as it's material. Anyone have an idea what's going on? I'm not posting the plan at this time because I think someone probably knows the answer.

  2. Bill....... I finally got my corners to connect, but I still have the bed moulding projecting through the roof on the left side of the gable. There is no projection of a bed moulding on the right side. I did/do have "EAVE ONLY" marked, but the molding still shows. I'm not sure what is different between your changes to eliminate this moulding through the roof and what I have. I'm sending along my revised plans with the corners connected and my bed moulding projecting for the roof. There must still be something different. Thanks for taking the time. It's always very much appreciated.


    Mark....Thanks for taking the time. I looked at and studied your suggestions. I see you changed the pitch to get the connections and also some of the overhang distances. This morning. when I got up to the computer, I completely rebuilt the short roof on the gable end and then they connected. I did this last night also, but it didn't connect then. :wacko:  As I mentioned above to Bill, I still have the moulding projecting through the roof. I'm sure we'll get the problem solved. Thank you again. Have a great day.


  3. I have two roof planes that will not connect. As far as I can tell everything is the same. The small roof on the gable end doesn't "connect" at either corner. ("B" in attachment) Also a section to the shadow board is sticking through the roof. ("A" in attachment) This only sticks through the roof on one side of the gable end. I deleted surfaces to try and see why or what was sticking out and noticed there is only a short section of this molding. (?) I've been frigging with this problem way too long and am getting nowhere. It's probably something simple I'm missing, but I need a new set of eyes (brain) looking at it------mine is fried. I attached the plan if anyone wants to take a gander at my problem. Thank you.



  4. Yes CA, this (SPAM) is getting a little ridiculous!!! Let's have a response to this "S**T"! This spam is going to "bite" us one of these times and when it does the crap will hit the fan.

  5. Larry,


    What is it you want to stretch.

    There are all sorts of commands that will perform a stretch, depending on what and how you want to stretch things.


    Glenn....This is "sort of" true when moving cad in a floor plan (edit command), but go to a cad detail and try to use the "edit" commands ----they are greyed out. We talked about this back in the "old ChiefTalk" but so far I've been unable to find the thread. I'll keep looking for it and if I find it I'll post the thread here.

  6. What specifically is lacking? I'm generally familiar with differences between us and other CAD programs, but it is the specifics about what is lacking that I'm interested in. As I assume the original poster was curious about as well.


    We always want to improve the program, including 2D tools. While eliminating the need to use 2D to fix up missing elements in lines generated from 3D is an important goal for us, we by no means want to ignore 2D. Annotation is a major part of creating working drawings.


    Doug................Probably the one "cad thing" I miss most from coming from ACAD is the "stretch command". This is a very common command in almost all CAD programs.  Another area that could use improvement in the cad department is in the area of dimensioning. I get so-o-o frustrated at times when I'm trying to snap to a point with the dimension tool and it jumps to a point somewhere else (sometimes not even on the screen) when all my "Locate Objects" are all setup correctly.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Have you tried to join them with the new "Intersection, Join Two Lines" tool?



    Curt ............. Sorry I didn't get right back to you. I had to step out of the office. but this corrected the problem. I had to go around and click on every line, but it finally would close. I'm not sure what the problem was caused by the profile is working as it should now. As for the "edit object parts"---that was a typo. Thanks to all for your input. Have a great day.

  8. I downloaded a molding profile to use in a plan. All the lines of the profiles are the same as far as layer, Linetype, size & color. I can not get it to close. I have "edit object parts" turned on. No matter which line I click on of the profile only that line is highlighted. I've tried double clicking the ends of the line where it is connected to the next line to it, but it won't connect. I've moved the end of the line then snapped it back to the next line, but it still doesn't connect. Any suggestions? If I don't reply to questions right away it's because I have to step out of the office for a bit.

  9. I think I've tried everything everyone has suggested. (execpt PSP, which I don't have) I know this isn't the end of the world and there are work arounds. It just bugs me. There has to be something I'm missing. I'm attaching the porch as I have them to date. (still have work to do on them) If anyone wants to take the time to figure this out --- thank you. Your suggestions and time are much appreciated. Have a great day


  10. I'm using the "white beadboard" material for a porch ceiling. I'm using a flat ceiling and sloped ceiling planes under the same structure. I rotated the beadboard material and gave it a different name so it was running perpendicular to the rafters. on the flat area of the ceiling I wanted to use the "standard" white beadboard material, but no matter which white beadboard material I call for ( rotated or standard) it shows as the rotated beadboard material.----Any suggestions on what the problem is?


  11. Joe......I was using different wall types and in playing around I was able to position the walls like i wanted, but at some point the one wall would jump to the corner. I then changed the height of one wall by 1/4" and it seems to be staying in the correct position.  Thank you for your's and other's advice. Have a great day.

  12. Shown in the attachment is the problem I mentioned a couple of threads back. I want to move wall "B" up to line "C" and leave the short section wall "A", but when I do that wall "B" jumps to point "D". Does anyone have a good solution?



  13. Joe & Alan...............I'm having one problem on the side of the porch with the short wing walls. On the right side where the short wing wall is I show (cad detail elevation) the wing wall stopping and then a 4" (approx.) length area, before the cutout starts. When using railing walls to make the cutout, I try to make the railing wall do the short 4" return into the wing wall, but the wing walls jumps to the corner of the cutout. If you look at the pictures of the original porch, it shows a newel post at this area which is a detail I'm going to try and duplicate with p-solids or mill work pieces. I don't think I can get the same look as in the picture using railing wall newels & balusters. I think there was a thread some time ago how to deal with this kind of situation.

  14. Alan.......I didn't use railing walls because with railing walls there were no shingles below the floor level on the outside or shingles on the ends of the short wing walls. Where the short wing walls are, what I did was make a door opening with no casings, frame, etc. where the steps are located and manually dropped the height of that wall. Maybe I'm approaching this whole thing wrong.


    Also I didn't realize I had put this thread in the Chatroom instead of the Q & A section. Do you know if I can and how to put this thread on the Q & A section?

  15. I started a porch addition on an old Victorian and am attempting to match details that are elsewhere on the home. I've attached the plan and some pictures of the detail I'm attempting, but ran into a problem with doing a cutout for the steps on the porch floor. It probably really isn't a problem. It's just that I may be having a "brain fart".  I show in the snips where I want the cutouts. If you go to the "Project Browser" and look at the cad detail you will also get an idea of what I'm after. In the cad detail I drew cad elevations of the porch in the process of laying the project out. Any help on doing these "cutout" will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance for the advice and time.






  16. 1.Sometimes CA won't build a auto return for whatever reason. Just build it manually. I usually always build mine manually. By doing that I have the option to give the return a different pitch than the rest of the roof.   2. Put the stacked gable on it's own layer and then changed the material.

  17. That is ridiculous! One should be able to edit a spline much easier than that, spline editing is a key function of a CAD program.


    Nicinus........From the sound of what you are wanting to do gives me the impression you are (or were) a ACAD user at one time. CA is first and for most a 3D modeling program. It is so-o-o lacking in the CAD department it's unbelievable and unless a person has worked in ACAD or some other "good" cad program they won't know what I'm talking about. You don't know what you don't know. :)  I've been using the program since V10 and I've (and many others) been asking for improvements in the CAD area of CA since then. I try to do all my cad work with CA's cad, but it is so frustrating and time consuming at times. Each new version I think "maybe this one!"