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Posts posted by joey_martin

  1. If whomever is sending you the CAD file can turn off all the layers except the main outer layer of the walls, then the CAD to WALLS tool works really quickly. Even if you have just the wall layers, and can shift select the outer layer it works. The outer layer of the CAD file will be the MAIN LAYER of your Chief walls.

  2. I think you will find a vast difference in what "productivity" means to some of us. If a builder hands me a 1600sqft home on full basement or crawl, and he has done the leg work with his homeowners, I will have him a "builders set" of plans in 20 hours TOPS! 


    Sample "builders set".....


    If I am doing custom or semi-custom, then I don't track time as closely, because to me the productivity comes in a happy client, even if it takes me a month. For the custom jobs, my models are as accurate as I can get them...I would say 98% accurate as to the way the home is built. All framing, fixtures, trims and moldings, ceiling treatments, etc. All live sections and details, nothing is pulled from a canned detail library. This project is probably around 70 hours from sketch book to this PDF plan set.



    Is 70 hours good? I don't know, but the client was very pleased and their builder was ecstatic at not having to guess at details.


    I rarely, if ever any longer create CAD details. 99.9% of my details are sections that I then add text and patterns to. May take a little longer, but with my accurate models, I know I am detailing the exact item. I leave them all live so that changes get updated. I have not used CAD from View since probably v10 or maybe X1. Anno sets are a huge time saver for me. A good set of anno sets and layer sets will save some hours. 

    • Upvote 2
  3. Anything outside of someone's competency should absolutely be handed off. However, most engineers also use software tools to run their calcs - if you know the design principles and how to properly apply the software, then it can save a lot of time, coordination, and fees.



    Words to live by!


    Besides, here in Indiana, there are only a handful of structural engineers that are even willing to work with residential. Everything needing to be engineered around here (some beams, i-joists, trusses) goes through the lumber yards and they send them off to a supplier.

  4. Or highlight the actual text and paste into the answer....


    I would like to know how to attach a post that answers someone's query. I know lots of you do this and it is a great help but obviously I am challenged when it comes to anything out of the ordinary on the forum. 


    and hit the quote button.

  5. I would also price 84" doors. If you put all headers at 84" you have more options for exterior overhangs and frieze options, as well as decorative lintel pieces, and the interior would leave room above the openings for the option to tray down ceilings or use various built up moldings.

  6. Another reason...and the most important to me for keeping those basement wall as 2, is the ability to control the walls for construction docs. I want the ability to control the line type and color of that framed portion so that I can show it on both the basement floor plan, and the foundation plan with the appropriate line.



  7. Somewhere in your template, you have set basement/crawl rooms to be monoslabs, or as you said, its an old template and somehow the info was changed. Remember, Chief reads rooms first. If you have the "foundation room" set as a monoslab, Chief will override the default until it's changed to match.


    I had a couple odd occurrences with my template when moving to X8 as well. Made a new template and no more problems.


    In my opinion, Chief was doing exactly as expected based on the settings.

  8. Go to the FOUNDATION LEVEL and select the "room". You will see that somewhere along the line, maybe this is a SAVE AS from another project....anyway, if you select the room from the foundation level, you will see that it is still set to monoslab. Uncheck those and turn auto back on and there you go.
