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Posts posted by joey_martin

  1. I have to admit, I am confused by this. That set of plans doesn't have dimensions on it. Are you relying on builders/estimators to pull their own dims when estimating your projects? In all the years I have been doing this, I can probably count on one hand how many times I have scaled a drawing. Dimensions provided should always override a field scale. 

  2. If you want a 2D roof plan that looks like the plan in your example, then Chief may not be the tool for you. Until the issue with overlapped roof planes is addressed, it is what it is. But...if you are using a different plan file, just for an aesthetic reason, then you are truly missing the boat with Chief. Using/learning more about reference sets, layer sets, and anno sets will be huge for you.


    As for a professional looking roof plan in Chief....I would beg to differ. 


  3. It's actually a pretty easy process. Make the foundation wall a "pony wall"  with the thinner of the 2 walls on top, and check the box for "hang 1st floor platform inside foundation walls" and you are good. You will need to set the heights accordingly, and manually place the P.T. plate below the joists, but again...pretty painless.


    DJP: There are multiple reasons to model this situation correctly, not the least of which is so that the model is correct, and thus your details, sections, and materials lists are correct. And quite frankly, for someone that advertises to be a professional Chiefer, and to offer training and Chief help services for pay, I am more than a little disgusted that you would dismiss someone that is asking for the exact thing you offer. You don't want to tell him for free, fine...but to simply dismiss the request as a waste of time is appalling.


    • Upvote 5
  4. Why would the bifold be an advantage over any other door?


    Using the bi-fold will allow you to use the actual specs of the product you might purchase. Like the glass firedoors on the front of the fireplace. You can set the width. height, and depth of the actual units.