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Posts posted by joey_martin

  1. Graham I understand all of that, and I agree....but spending any more time than is absolutely needed, is a waste. The my experience...doesn't show in Standard view, and doesn't show in Elevation view, so I don't think twice about ignoring it. I would also say that I never, or rarely, use wall coverings. I will always opt for creating a wall type with the materials applied. 

  2. Switch to Standard view and they are probably not still behaving this way. I think it's a video card issue, and not a modeling issue. I have some models that will behave this way, and others that don't, and I know I generate my models the same way, and from the same template. 


    I would not fight this issue any more than needed. I have never had it show in a rendering, or in an elevation view.

  3. Select the window and open the DBX. You can select to have the arch right of left. You can also put the 2 windows in the plan, mull them together, and then add the arch to them as a single unit.

  4. I do offer one on one training via the internet. I also travel as needed or requested to different places to offer training for groups. I do not offer group training via the internet. I have "attended" some of those, and I am no longer interested in attending or providing training in that environment.

  5. While using a reference set would help you, and isn't really a work around, the answer to you question is no. The foundation will not show on 2 different level. You and I design and build in the same general area of the country, and basements are the norm for us. I place the basement/foundation on level 0 everytime. I have never come across a situation in which I wanted or needed the basement on level one. Not saying that method is wrong. The guys out west (Mr. Hall) described to me situation using slab foundations where it is beneficial for them to place the "basement" on floor 1, but it was a situation that I don't think I would ever encounter, and most likely you would not either. 


    Now, I am assuming you don't work much with slabs. I spent a couple weekends up in Kalamazoo a few years back teaching for the NAHB, and all the builders/designers in my class all built the same as I did. Just a little deeper frost line. So while I certainly would never discourage you from learning and playing with both methods, I don't think you will use the basement on floor 1 method very often.

  6. Templates. Completely blank, but all preferences set up to the way 90% of the homes I do are built. I just open and go most of the time. May have to change from basement to crawl space, or change the roof pitch, but other than that, I just open and go.