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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. edit->edit Area->Edit area (all floors) select, and then rotate although with two buildings, I would be inclined to make one a symbol and then put that in the other's plan. I've never tried it, but there is also the reference plan, which can show both buildings side by side in 3D view
  2. wall heights for flat ceilings are determined from the room specification ceiling height in the structure tab. If you are determining wall heights another way, you may have been pulling down or extending walls from 3d views...which for the vast majority of cases is not needed and should be avoided. You can reset walls' wall height by opening up the wall dialog and resettting the default height. if it is greyed out, it is already the default
  3. if I remove the roof plane from the perspective view, prior to creating a symbol of the house, the roof disappears. normally I would not care, but this is an odd roof and I do not actually need the roof correct, as I only need the back of the house correct, but I need to show the entire house in plan view symbol shows like this in plan view:
  4. i think this is now PAtterns->color->material color? odd that it is in "patterns", no?
  5. I'm trying to do this again, and same problem. Is the only option to screen shot the plan and put it on layout?
  6. there is a setting to turn off the merging of "colinear" walls. I think it is in preferences. A search of the doc or this forum for "colinear" should find it
  7. questions need to be posted to Q&A forum
  8. attached. click CAD->Points->Point Marker for those custom manual points 16.05.2024_07.57.19_REC.mp4
  9. you can add whatever you want to a storey poll, similar to other dimension lines
  10. why not add another storey if you are going to add stairs?
  11. This works well, with some back and forth to get correct heights. Attached is a video with a step by step, sorry no audio, for a railing on a pony wall. I have to "undo" a few times to try and get it the distances right. The 0.5" for the railing is larger than reality, I picked it more to show up in the RTRT than any other reason I did use a "molding line" vs a molding polyline as the polyline is initially drawn enclosed. Menus are X16. One seems to have to use the cntrl key to place the molding line in the middle of the rail. 15.05.2024_12.55.03_REC.mp4
  12. ah I remembered there was some workaround and I just could not remember what it was. thanks for pointing it out
  13. If I delete the wall and then redraw, it then looks normal maybe it was a victim of that wall being reversed earlier, and then I use the reverse tool to make the wall look correct and then this happens. of course, its not repeatable: If I reverse the new wall I just drew, and then reverse again, it doesnt happen. ...maybe it was something else...
  14. is there some setting to stop this? It does not do it at the other end of the railing. (its a pony wall underneath, but if I make it just a railing it does the same thing, just narrower) I tried the edit intersections tool, no luck. I tried changing the one wall to be the through wall, no difference
  15. not sure, this works for me on a regular basis. you could post your plan and layout My settings:
  16. probably want to post the plan . also search for "roof cuts wall" in the forum
  17. One reason perhaps not to put schedules beside the floor plan, is it might impact the zoom to extents. I have them on a cad detail page which is on a layout page already linked to it. I do sometimes put a wall schedule below a plan but they are typically less than 5 rows
  18. What is in your text style
  19. correct. One can hope it comes in X16
  20. I dont think so, normally I will select the "minority" roof plans and use transform replicate to lower them using the z adjust
  21. If you search the forum for risers stairs macro and make sure you select to search all terms you will find a few. Doug n posted the following . I'm not sure if you will need one for each stair section In plan view you can attach test to the stairs and use a macro like %num_treads+1% Risers Run %tread_depth%" Rise %riser_height.round(2)%"
  22. Might want to post the plan. If they are directly under the walls, and you never manually drew them they may be footings.
  23. There are free viewers. I had one a few years ago. A search on the interweb for dwg free viewer will find them I think the one I had was actually from autocadd, trueviewer or something like that
  24. are you on the right floor?. set the layer set to "all layers on" and move between floors