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    Kingston, WA

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  1. Rob, I like how clean you make it. My way is a bit overwhelming but since I'm the guy cutting the members.....I manage. This is all 2D...not linked to the model.
  2. Some of these might work for you.....and some won't. para-DETAILS.calibz
  3. I use a stream deck so I don't need to have a keyboard short cut.....just the tool icon on the button. Streamdeck mobile is great for the iPad - up to 128 buttons per page. With that, I just numbered each short cut with a 4 digit number. 4-digit because if you have the number 3 for break, then you can not have a 3X or a 3XX or a 3XXX number because you get the warning that 3 is used. 5000 series HOTKEYS.xml
  4. ALL X16 (2024-06-10.xlsx I might be missing a few if an update has occurred since this list was created.
  5. [Framing] Porch roof to common roof - SU Framing - Porch Shed to Common Roof 01.skp
  6. Some SU details. If you want the SU files, let me know.
  7. Yep. I think the Continuous Sheathing directive jumped the gun. I'm in W. WA and it never gets cold enough for people to concern themselves about such high (over the top) heat "loss" It seems that the code writers (WSEC) always want to make changes every 3 years to validate their income......apologies if my cynicism is rough.
  8. Fonts RISE_OVER_RUN.pdf
  9. PC set up is needing some updating. Mac is doing A-okay COMPUTER STORAGE DIAGRAM.pdf
  10. I'm working to update this to 2021 IRC CAD SCALES.pdf wall panel details.pdf
  11. I created this mind map (back when I was into that sort of thing) to capture what I needed in a typ. plan for permit. Maybe you have a different set of steps, requirements, procedures.
  12. STUFF ABOUT FRAMING(s).pdf This is a highly compressed PDF. For better graphics download the original from this dropbox link.
  13. Just some things I have created over time. More to follow. Flashing Detail.pdf 2025 ROUGH FRAMED STAIR DETAILS.pdf STAIR - RISER MATRIX.pdf