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Everything posted by Bill_Emery

  1. Hi Jerry, This looks interesting. I watched the first video this evening. I've been copying and pasting to excel, and back into to Chief for my area analysis. This looks like a better way. I'm looking forward to viewing the rest, and also would like to see the demo files.
  2. Chief will allow a minimal overhang, perhaps a sixteenth of an inch; but as soon as you get to zero, or a negative number, it will revert back to the default overhang.
  3. I'm not sure what I did, but it works. I thought it was errant elevation data, but now I don't think that is the case. I've done larger properties with steeper slopes without problem. I usually use two foot contours, but will sometimes use five or even ten foot contours with larger properties. There are some minor divots in this plan, but it's behaving much better that the original plan. I notice it behaves much better when I use fewer contours although this plan has all of the contours active. metric topo 2.plan
  4. Here it is with no lines removed. I may have missed a few lines. It was my goal to avoid the gremlins. There is some un-selectable elevation data that is affecting the topography; causing the divots.
  5. There is some errant elevation data in the plan that I can't easily find. I copied the elevation lines into a new plan, and everything looks good.
  6. Yes, Chief gets very confused if you use all three axis.
  7. The attached screenshot is two 3D polyline moldings butted together. I tried it with a single 3D molding polyline; but Chief got very confused. Prpbably best to work in two axis for each segment. Once you have what you want, convert it to a symbol.
  8. I tried the fixture schedule in X6 and I get the same behavior.
  9. I tried an OOB Chief profile plan, and I get the same behavior. Still wondering if it's my plan, or my machine. Robert; are you using X7, and not getting this behavior? I tried all of the schedules, but only get the bad behavior in the fixture, and the furniture schedules. I did file a report on this.
  10. There is at least one sink in the library that don't cut a hole in the counter correctly. Try a different sink.
  11. It would be helpful to post the plan. It's possible that you have a corrupt file. Try an "edit area" and copy it into a new blank plan to see if it behaves better.
  12. It's odd in that it appears to be working for Robert in post #2.
  13. Scott, Thanks for checking. I thought it might just be me. I'll send a report.
  14. I've attached the plan. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the plan, or if it's something I'm not seeing. 707 timberlake DECK FRAMING.plan
  15. Thanks for the reply, Still not working on my machine using x7 with the latest updates. I did check as you suggested in options, and that is listed correctly. There must be something that I'm not seeing.
  16. You'll need to go to Defaults > General Cad to get it into the format that is generally used for plot plans.
  17. There are no stupid questions; or at least yours was not one of them. Chief can be quirky and obtuse at times.
  18. Put the upper deck on floor 2, and you shouldn't have a problem.
  19. You have some element of the design that is not symetrical. Post the plan if you want further help. Attached is a screen shot showing a symetrical truss.
  20. I want to exclude all fixture categories except "other". Chief puts all of the other categories in anyway. I can exclude them individually by unchecking "include in schedule" in each symbol DBX, but I shouldn't have to. Am I missing a piece of the puzzle here? Is this a known problem?
  21. It would be good to post the plan with a problem like this. It's difficult to determine the problem without a model to work with.
  22. Your welcome. It's nice when there is an easy solution. This is one aspect of stairs that works well.
  23. Just check the box in the DBX for winders
  24. Sorry, My mistake. The 840m is not 4K capable. However, it might be worthwhile exploring if the on board graphics processor for the laptop is capable of 4K.
  25. You are not limited to the maximum resolution of your laptop screen You are limited by the resolution of the destination display, and the capability of the video card, which in your case supports 4K resolution. Go to your PC settings > Display > customize your display. Follow the prompts to identify and set up your display.