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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Now that is surprising. I thought Joey had the correct answer when he said do not do that. I must look at this in the AM, maybe I am missing something.
  2. I had it crash just today, I think it was running lie on memory. I must quit every 3 hours or so.
  3. If you want to control the text that is done via the layout box label layer.
  4. This is what I sent to tech support. On a mac, I work on secondary monitor, I put library browser on primary monitor. If I go to my browser (safari) and back to CA, the library browser is gone. Not isolated to plan I am working on. Tried new OOB plan, same thing, library disappeared. Only way to get it back is to shut down CA and reopen. I will try working on primary monitor and putting library on secondary monitor. Never noticed this until today with the new 6.2 update. and then I sent this in...... I am now working on main monitor. If I go to browser and back to ca, browser is there. Better than before. But, but........ If I put library browser on second monitor, go to safari and back to ca, the library browser now relocates back to main monitor and will not stay on secondary monitor. I must again reposition library browser back to secondary monitor.
  5. Anybody losing there library browser? On a mac, two monitors, I put library on second monitor, and for some reason I am losing it when I go to a different app. Prior to this experience, the library browser would be very small and up in top left corner of second monitor, and I would just resize it. Now I don't see it. I must quit CA and restart to get it back.
  6. This goes back several versions when CA Decided that the anno set is king. ANNO set can set layer set but layer set can not set ANNO set. Makes sense, how could you ever vary the combination if this were not so.
  7. You can ask her, in fact it was Lynn that noticed.
  8. Larry, I have found that keeping TERRAIN REGIONS off of driveways an roads is a good idea. Let them find their own elevation based on contours in the immediate vicinity. BTW, Who is Mr. Hall?
  9. It's done guys, not a bad word was uttered . No dedicated circuit, crhord thru upper cab to outlet. Lynn came by and helped. Taking hood down yesterday, lady stumbled by, looking to rent a place, we had place to rent, did deal today. Productive weekend.
  10. No micro now, took out hood yesterday. 3 wires there, must connect to convenience outlet, then mount outlet and micro, put plugs in holes out outlet, turn elec back on and then watch Tiger make a come back. Sounds easy....
  11. Well, do you want to help me install a microwave over the stove in the rental? I barely know how a screwdriver works and somehow I have to figure this out. Been watching lots of youtube videos on the process. If I don't show up tomorrow morning it's probably because I forgot to turn off the circuit breaker.......... turn off circuit breaker..... turn off circuit breaker..... turn off circuit breaker...... turn off circuit breaker...... turn off circuit breaker,.....
  12. I remember it too, is there a point you are trying to make?
  13. Yep, just tested again, 15 sheets printed, 3.5 mb pdf file size from pc, 70 mb file size from mac. Mac file is 20 times larger, tough to email a file of that size.
  14. It's not the amount of time it takes to print, my speed is probably comparable, it's the size of the PDF. How large s that PDF you just created?
  15. Here is a link to the DSORENSON VID, not great stuff, so take your chances. http://youtu.be/WiSXn8B-umU .....not a great vid, bottom line dsorenson, try minimizing your "ACTIVE" contour lines. I believe too many contour lines will slow chief down and give you some of the jiggedy jaggegies. Use enough contour lines to define the terrain.
  16. go to EDIT<DEFAULT SETTINGS<(double click on window) WINDOW<GENERAL<MINIMUM SEPARATION, change that from 2" to zero. This should be defaulted to ZERO O.O.B., but it ain't, keep that way for all of your plans.
  17. Draw a regular wall, put in a doorway, put in two pass thru windows and push up against door opening. Confirm that the minimum separation distance is zero. Done vids on this. The pic was done with doorways and pass thrus in a full height normal wall.
  18. Okay, worked with your pony walls, there is an issue with the walls screwing up. One of the walls did screw up on me. As soon as it screwed up, I deleted and selected an existing wall and dragged it around to replace deleted wall. As you can see by pic, for whatever reason, I was able to do some weird stuff. Bottom line, as soon as wall screws up, delete it, and drag a new wall in it's place. This procedure should not be necessary, but it is.
  19. Wait, I inadvertently eliminated the fact you were using pony walls...... the issue may persist.
  20. Okay, got it, yep, it screwed up when I started creating the step footing. So what did I do? I deleted the offensive foundation walls, went to plan, dragged the end of a wall that remained, and replaced the wall that I had deleted. I believe there were either 2 or 3 foundation walls I had to delete and create a new wall. As you can see by the pic, it is working. But, I did experience the problem you were having, I was having the same problem, but by deleting the bad wall and replacing it, all was well.
  21. I wish you would post that plan, love to see if it happens on my computer. Just tried it on an older plan and no problems. It was just so weird when you initially posted the question, I tried it and I was stunned that it screwed up similar to what you are showing. Have not seen it since. I wonder if it just happened during on particular version of beta. Do you have the same problem if you open a new plan and try it. It may be a corrupt plan at this point. Delete foundation and give it another go.
  22. I thought that is what you were trying to do. Yep, never had that problem, one of those funny gremlins that pop up once in a while that can be fixed with a few curse words and a reboot.