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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Yes Shane, That seems to work great for everything but "Doorway" and indeed should work just the same as your example of Pass-Thru. But I can't get access to it as Glenn was referring to in post #8. Do you see something different in your "Doorway" Component DBX with X7 than I did in post #5 with X8? I would rather not use a different column as I would then have to change all my other stock doors to another column just to accommodate 1 custom door in the same schedule. Only 4 this time but next time it could be 30.
  2. Sorry for the confusion guys, I am just trying to customize my Door Schedule for a Doorway the same way that Shane did for his Pass-Thru on his Window Schedule. Hopefully without the Text Overlay as shown in the attached thumbnail. It seems to me that the same principals should apply for a Doorway as a Pass-Thru, or Not.
  3. Almost the same situation for me, I need to edit the description for a "Doorway" in my Door Schedule. I can not find "Doorway" any where in the Component DBX in order to edit it. Or is this different somehow?
  4. Yes Michael, I thought about it yesterday but did not get it tested and posted until now. We should not underestimate a person with three posts but I was trying to find a way to keep things live and as simple as possible. So I am glad that you think this is a possibility. I thought that not being able to curve a ceiling plane may have been a deal breaker but with enough breaks you can make your own curve. That is what Chief does anyway.
  5. Just throwing this in for some feedback because I don't have the skill level to compete with all you guys. But lots of ideas here. What are the possibilities of using a sloped ceiling plane and an extra floor? I think it could be framed structurally as a floor and not have the potential drawbacks of a roof plane. If the OP intends to build a wood structure I think this could work.
  6. Yes same here, Perry called it. It is not a true thumbnail. Seems to be a link to a cloud service.
  7. Sorry I just gave the link to the other Thread with both of the other links. Are you referring to the 3D warehouse link? There should be many choices of 3D Simpson products there downloadable as .skp files that are mostly compatible with Chief.
  8. Just a thought here guys but I have had some issues like this before and this might be worth checking. There may be some validity to what Scott said and Larry and Curt may not have this setting in Preferences set the same. See Attached.
  9. Likely you have created multiple live schedules which will generate numbering for each one. One solution may be to convert your 2nd schedule to text as many time as you need and just keep 1 live schedule. Or just print your schedule on a separate page as many copies as you need.
  10. Hi KC, Here is a quick fix on one half of your structure. Not quite sure if this is the only way or the best way to fix such a situation but it may suffice for now. Unless of course someone else can provide a more elegant solution. It is really just a matter of opening a 3d view ( I prefer a Perspective Full Overview ) and selecting and editing the wall shapes until they look correct. Which sometime requires some brute force and other times requires a lot of patience and trials. The new camera features in X8 make this sort of thing much easier with x-ray capabilities, or rather smashing the camera through or inside a wall or attic space without having to buy a new Gopro. I would make you a video but am not set up to do so yet, so here is a link to a video David did the other day in a similar situation. Intersecting Roof to Brick Wall Fix.plan
  11. Hi Skip, Great looking plan! I fixed the blocking for you manually as you may want some there to stiffen things up and attach the railing. You can still delete if you like as I turned off auto frame for you. The only other problem I saw with a quick look was an attic wall in the Garage, if you need help with that just let me know. Herwig 6.3 deck fix.plan
  12. Thanks to all of you helping out with suggestions I found an adjoining Garage wall that was above default height and when I fixed that I got the step (vertical) footing on the left side that was missing. So that being a good sign I forged ahead and reset my footing size and wall thickness that I wanted but I still have two rooms that are highly volatile and need to be reset to defaults every time I do something to do with the foundation. So I may send this one in to Tech now that I understand what my question will be. Thanks Again, Chopsaw. Not so sure I have ever seen this before
  13. From your screen shot it looks like you are already in your Framing Layer set so if you are happy with all the rest of the deck framing then turn off auto rebuild and select and move or delete blocking. Or attach plan file for professional help.
  14. @Chopsaw: I checked the post, I'm going to check whether or not I have the same issue; sadly in that post for some reason the two pictures don't load at all for me, your screenshot does whilst the poster's photo's don't.. Yes as you may have noticed I urged Matt (new user Anna) to correct the post and share results but no response on that post but here are the results on next post that I found : p.s. I believe you will need the opposite setting to solve your problem.
  15. Jerry The Night Owl, Room is Unspecified designation, still a similar result with floor in room but interesting that the walls only go half way up.
  16. Hi Jerry, The offending walls are at default top and bottom height and I think I should try to set defaults for Ceiling Height in that room and see if that helps. There is something that the software refuses to ignore. Still no dice with my revisions.
  17. Jeff, I started this plan before I knew anything about defaults so I went back and set a default stem wall height and locked it in for the room that is a problem and all the surrounding rooms. No dice. Same problem.
  18. There would be a lot of stripping to do as I don't really have permission to post the plan publicly and it is in a almost finished state. Do you have any suggestions of things to check?
  19. Hope you are all up for a challenge. I am working on a plan and am almost finished but need to change the footing size and foundation wall thickness but every time I touch any of those settings one foundation room is converted to a Monolithic slab foundation and the stem wall height is shortened no matter what I try. "Automatic Rebuild Foundation" is off and seems to be on. I don't know if I have found a bug or built the whole house wrong or maybe I have one setting mixed up.
  20. Limitless in Moscow, Give this a try and it may fix both of your problems or at least problem #2 See Post #2 here:
  21. Great suggestion Jeff, If you use any Cad Shape as a border in your cad detail and then trim to it you will reduce your file size and then do everything else you wanted. If there was an auto trim everything button that would be great. I still like your idea so why not post it in "Suggestions". P.S. Here is a video that Glenn did that is almost auto trim:
  22. Today I was helping someone out and taking a little more time than usual and had successfully proceeded to the "More Reply Options" section and had uploaded a file and then when I clicked "Add Reply" all was lost and I was given the message "Webpage has expired". Wow I almost expired. This has never happened to me before and may be a different issue than the previous problems but what a disappointment. Posted and Linked to "Suggestions" today:
  23. For 3D Simpson Products go here:
  24. No Problem and thanks for asking. Just save your screenshot as a .jpg from within Chief and save to a known folder then when posting select the "More Reply Options" and then use the "Choose Files" Button at the bottom and once uploaded do not select "Add to Post" for large format images. And Select follow here for e-mail notification.
  25. Anna (Matt), You are welcome an I am glad that guess worked for you. Just a simple request if you have time it is always great when you find a solution to post a quick snapshot of the results so we can all use the Forum as a learning tool. Thanks, Chopsaw.