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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Not really sure it was designed for that purpose but you could try sending the same schedule to layout multiple times and use dummy callouts for your duplicates. Or if you are not using other note schedules in your plan you could use the "Note Types" which we should be able to customize by X12
  2. Anyone have any ideas how it might be accomplished in Chief that the terrain and windows all have gray shadows and the rest is green ? I mean I suppose you could do some very tedious and precise layout box cropping and with two separate Technical Illustration views sent to layout but I would think that would take hours and hours to do in chief. I think I would agree with Larry in that if post processing was used it should be noted.
  3. Right click on a blank area of you tool bar and select "Customize Toolbars..." Search for "Saved Plan View Control " and drag into a blank position on your tool bar. Set it to "None" and then put it away unless you want to learn all about it an use the new feature.
  4. So this is page 6 of your layout and you have 5 others that look all the same ? What is on page 0 ? Not sure I understand the issue. You may have to post the backup file. Are you possibly using Plan Views ?
  5. Updated the schematic now we know it works for trusses and I found Theta. You can also get the roof pitch to six decimal places from the roof plane DBX.
  6. Not really sure what you are doing with the 1/16" fascia and sub fascia but in theory you should be subtracting those two thicknesses from the 21.5" Maybe a 1/16" aluminum fascia over a 1 1/2" sub fascia ?
  7. Larry do you still have the file open ? Try Selecting "Trusses ( no Birdsmouth ) and rebuild. It seems to make the roof structure setting irrelevant. Augh...... That is not the only problem Google messed you all up on the math you numbers are all a little too big. Not sure what the issue as the formula you entered looks right but then the calculator display is different and multiplies by 24 and then subtracts 2 1/4" when it should effectively multiply by 21 3/4" Any way I was able to get the 4/12 cross section to work fine with a 7 1/4" Raise and a custom 3 3/16 " sub fascia which seems to be a common scenario with this procedure. That is the custom part not the 3 3/16". Regardless thanks for the video. It was quite entertaining even on the 6th view. I think this works however it seems Michael has gone back to rafters and that may require a different formula.
  8. Give me another combination and see if we get the same answer. It is just basic trig.
  9. Yes I think Larry has it figured out. To use the Roof Height Setting the Automatic Birdsmouth Cut must be off or 0. And it looks like the + Birdsmouth setting can also be used. Just another one of those slightly quirky things in chief I guess. I wonder if you would ever need a combination of the two settings for a build ?
  10. Humm.... That may actually be the technically correct method. I suppose the Roof Height entry works fine for flat ceilings. May have to play with that a bit.
  11. Glenn taught me that. So you maintain auto build for future revisions. By "raise off Plate" do you mean Baseline Height of the Roof Plane?
  12. 7 7/8" is what I get and it seems to work. How did you come up with the 5 3/8" ?
  13. Ok now we have an example to work with. 8/12 pitch = 33.690068° x TAN = .666666678 x (Distance to Back of Fascia ) 21.75" = 14.5" This assumes a 1 1/2" sub fascia and 3/4" fascia on a 24" overhang.
  14. Change it to what ? Every time you change it you must re calculate using the formula. One answer will not work for every situation. Come back to this universe and let's discuss the math. If you have found a bug it can't be fixed without providing a specific situation where it fails.
  15. Likely something was left behind when you made the move that would cause this.
  16. Yes that is why I used those two variables in the formula. What variations are not working ?
  17. The formula works providing that you set you top chord size in defaults so it is not part of the calculation.
  18. Michael, Give the formula a try one more time. This time use the measurement to the back of the sub fascia. ( building side ) typically 2 1/4" inches less than the overhang. For your previous example of a truss cross section it should work perfectly at 7 7/8". You will also need to make sure you have "Trusses ( no Birdsmouth )" selected.
  19. Michael, Your first cross section really threw me off but this is based on the second one you posted that makes more sense to me. Give this a try:
  20. Chief does seem to still have issues with PDF's. Not sure where your PDF files are stored but that may be an issue. Try using the " Save in Plan" option and see if that makes it better or worse. Also you could try converting to .png and see if that resolves the problem as chief seems to handle them much more smoothly. I convert with Gimp but there are other methods that work I am sure.
  21. Hi James, Take a look at this plan file and see what you think. I deleted your attic walls and made the gable end walls balloon through and gave the gable end walls a new definition without framing. Also not sure that the end trusses need to be designated as Attic Trusses. Not sure why the conflict exists but I think this configuration avoids it. Two Story with Porch - Truss Chopped.plan
  22. You could use the associated cad block for the symbol if you don't want to get a reference layer involved.
  23. There is the problem right there. I think what you are trying to achieve is only a feature request at this point. The best you might be able to do at this point is crop in Photoshop or try to get the lighting and color balance to produce a white background for printing on white paper. Or go with a straight (non Ray Traced) Standard View or PBR.
  24. Neil, Are you still trying to achieve a transparent background for a Ray Trace ? Not sure that is an option. If you follow the instructions that Eric and Mick have provided you should be able to achieve this in a Standard or PBR view. For me selecting a Transparent Background automatically defaults to .png formatting.
  25. This may help with a few of the basic details.