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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. There is the problem right there. I think what you are trying to achieve is only a feature request at this point. The best you might be able to do at this point is crop in Photoshop or try to get the lighting and color balance to produce a white background for printing on white paper. Or go with a straight (non Ray Traced) Standard View or PBR.
  2. Neil, Are you still trying to achieve a transparent background for a Ray Trace ? Not sure that is an option. If you follow the instructions that Eric and Mick have provided you should be able to achieve this in a Standard or PBR view. For me selecting a Transparent Background automatically defaults to .png formatting.
  3. This may help with a few of the basic details.
  4. A wall material region can be created by going to Build> Wall> Wall Material Region in an elevation view. Images can be created by going to your User Library Catalog and right clicking> New> Material and importing an image file as your texture source. You will likely want to use the Stretch to Fit feature for the scale if it is relatively proportional to the original image.
  5. Not a problem, you can actually take an image file and convert it to a material and turn an entire wall into a mural. Or place a material region on the wall for a smaller section.
  6. If you want it like this you will need a manual Room Molding Polyline.
  7. View > Scrollbars
  8. You may want to do a forum search as I think that is a know issue with some video card drivers.
  9. What rafters are you trying to eliminate ? Are the 6x12's not rafters that hold up the SIP panels ? Model your 6x12's @ 7' o.c. as the Roof Framing and then the panels as the roof finish or they could actually be part of the framing layer depending on where you need the roof plane to be.
  10. Nice work Steve. Unfortunately It seems you have identified a bug. Not sure why the foundation would build to default if none of the rooms are set to default. I realize the program generally runs smoother when everything is set to default but why have an override if it does not work. It might be something that should be sent in. Possibly Michael's solution just allows the override to work but then the minimum setting makes no sense.
  11. Not seeing it in X10 or X11. Maybe you should compare video driver versions. If that is not it I have no idea where to go with that problem. Maybe try and toggle it in Preferences> Appearance> "Show Line Weights" if you want it on all the time.
  12. Yes I commented on that before checking your plan file. I think I had to turn Auto Rebuild Roofs back on but it did not seem to work until Ignore Top Floor was off.
  13. That looks better. Did you deselect "Ignore top floor" because it would not work for me until I did that but not sure why ?
  14. Not really Glenn. It appears you have a 3 1/2" top chord which it seems is the only thing that chief recognizes? I thought the no Birdsmouth setting worked for trusses but apparently not all of them.
  15. There is a setting in the Build Roof DBX Roof> Specifications> Select "Trusses (no Birsmouth)" for truss roof construction. You may also need to add a little bit to your "Roof Height" on the same page so that your overhang does not get hung up on your wall sheathing if that is installed first to the top of the top plate.
  16. Not really sure about that setting. I assumed it was a basic depth setting for areas that deal with frost penetration.
  17. No still something wrong as that makes the stem wall 19 3/8" for some reason.
  18. Yes I think you need to use the room DBX (That they redesigned specially for you) and set Floor level to -24.25"
  19. If you want to see the line weights on screen while you are working toggle on line weights or print preview.
  20. Chief has the ability to designate a beam as a "Steel-I" (W) however this is not particularly accurate as for web and flange thicknesses. I usually extrude a p-solid from an accurately drawn profile and then if you need to model details it can be converted to a solid and trimmed or drilled using Boolean Operations. I assume you are working with a qualified engineer on this project unless of course you are one.
  21. 1/4" backsplash only sort of works. It seems to be a bug or unexplained feature. Symbol offset would be the best option for now without affecting your design.
  22. It seems to have something to do with the proximity to the end of the partition wall but not really sure why that would be a factor unless you were within 3". Might be one for tech support unless someone comes up with a brilliant explanation.
  23. This seems to be specific to your template or computer setup. You could post a test plan file that is showing the error and let us know a little more about you video card and driver version.
  24. Just as long as it works out with the auto spindles, but at least you have a few options. If you do that style a lot maybe a custom panel would be a possibility as well.
  25. Funny I was just thinking that it would be easiest to place the short ones manually.