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Posts posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Mark,


    The fact that you can add an Arch Block to the Schedule is helpful, but in the long run the only way to get everything you want is by having Custom Cabinets (stored in the User Library) with all the components you want.  Using Chief's generic (aka native) cabinets is always going to result in a lot of editing to get the model and schedule complete and comprehensive.


    Kitchen Design at the level of detail that you need is more than most Chief Users.  If you take each of your projects and systematically add those cabinets to your Library they can be used for other projects and will carry all the details with them.  This is true for all sorts of objects, not just cabinets.  CA gives us a starting point with their Libraries but building a comprehensive User Library and Templates is the only way I know of to eliminate (or at least minimize) the tedious work to get the consistent results.


    For cabinets you start with the basics - Base, Wall, Tall, Partition, Soffit - editing the details for Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings, etc. and set up a Library Folder Structure with those items.  Then over time you can add and refine - anything you might use repetitively gets added to the Library with a cataloging system that you can relate to.


    My system looks something like this:


    My Cabinets


    ......Design Style 1 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)






    ......Design Style 2 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)






    ......Design Style 3 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)






    ...Lip Inset

    ......Design Style 1 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)






    ......Design Style 2 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)




    ......Design Style 3 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)




    ...1/2" Overlay

    ......Design Style 1 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)






    ......Design Style 2 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)




    ......Design Style 3 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)




    ...1-1/4" Overlay

    ......Design Style 1 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)



    ......Design Style 2 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)


    ......Design Style 3 (Doors, Drawers, Hardware, Moldings)




    Whenever I create a new configuration - such as a cabinet with appliance(s) I add that to the Library.  Then any time I want that or a similar configuration I can just grab it from the Library and place it in the plan.  I'm refining this approach all the time.  One of the things that seems to work best is having the Basic Units in each Design Style - no (D) designations so I can place one of each in the Plan and use those to set the Plan Defaults.  All the special configurations are set to use the Defaults so I only need one of each special configurations - but I need one for each appliance Mfr/Model. 


    This is what I call a Sharp Saw.

  2. Jon is correct.


    This is basically a two story space.  The two smaller rooms have a ceiling that's contained by the second floor while the second floor is open to below in all the rest of the area.  The walls surrounding the area that is the ceiling of the smaller rooms are basically 0 height railing walls.

  3. Yes.  It shows the printed page number as long as the page will print otherwise it is blank.  Yes.


    For reference, I used "printed page %page.print% of %numpages%".


    As far as I can tell, it works exactly like it did in 16.3 and I can't see where anything was changed.

    Interestingly it's working for me now.  Yesterday it wasn't and today it is ....... GREMLINS :wacko:

  4. My raytrace progress and layout print macros seem to both be working fine with the update.

    Have you tried the %page.print% macro assigned on page 0 of your layout?  What does it show on other pages?  Does it even show on page 0?

  5. Bug Report.....


    %page.print% doesn't work if included as a part of page 0.  This is really the only reasonable way to use this macro IMO.  Why should we need to place it individually on each page of the Layout?


    Basically, all other Layout macros dealing with page numbers, sheet numbers, titles, descriptions, etc are placed on page 0 and update to the appropriate information depending on what sheet is displayed or printed.  This one should be the same.

  6. Thanks Joseph, when you put it that way it does sound easier to just do it the old way.  I've tried Auto Elevation Dimensions, but It takes more time to figure out and discard all the dimensions I don't need than just doing them manually. 

    That's really a matter of going in to the Dimension Defaults and getting it set up right so you don't get so many extraneous dimensions.

  7. Just to be perfectly clear....


    1.  Create a Molding Profile that is the shape of the flare and add it to your library.

    2.  Select the Exterior Room (just ouside the walls)

    3.  Create a "Room Molding Polyline"

    4.  Assign the Molding to the Room Molding Polyline (Base Molding - Extrude outside Polyline)

    5.  Assign you siding material to that molding.