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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. I would give the Units numbers so that the rooms were numbered as well: First Floor 110-Living Room 111-Dining Room 112-Bedroom 113-Bath 120-Living Room 121-Dining Room 122-Bedroom 123-Bath First Floor 210-Living Room 211-Dining Room 212-Bedroom 213-Bath 220-Living Room 221-Dining Room 222-Bedroom 223-Bath The 1st number is the floor, the 2nd number is the unit & the 3rd number is the room within the unit.
  2. Steve, Obviously you meant "Ray Trace" vs "Rendering". I can only assume you are using X7 since you don't have that info in your signature. You probably don't need more than about 4-5 passes to get a good Ray Trace. Why is the cabinet door glass not transparent? No way to tell - post the Plan.
  3. That would be nice - but Chief doesn't provide an "Elevation View Set" as a standard. It would probably require some additions to the Defaults similar to the "Rendering Techniques" for "Layer Set". There are several such things in Chief where Layers are "forced" on the user which can be changed later but do not have user defineable defaults.
  4. No, I don't think that would work. Cross Sections are in their own "Camera View" Windows. and I don't see any way (or any reason) to copy them. You do have the option to make a "New CAD Detail From View" but that's not live. It's useful for creating larger scale CAD Details but that's about the limit.
  5. FWIW, I tried copying a "Stair Section" from the Plan to a CAD Detail in X7, then in X6 and then in X5. X5 allowes it but X6 & X7 don't. So this is lost functionality - but it probably shouldn't have been there in the first place.
  6. Normally, the only things that can be copyied to - or created in - a CAD Detail Window are CAD Objects. But I once put a "Stair Section" in a CAD Detail. I don't know how I did that but I still have that CAD Detail Window in my Default Plan ----- and I'm not going to delete it.
  7. Another thing you can do if you just want access to an external file or web page is add a HyperLink to a Text Box. That file can then be accessed by clicking on the text box and then clicking on the hyperlink icon on the Edit Toolbar.
  8. I don't think that's not correct. AFAIK, all CAD Detail will automatically update in the Layout. The only things that don't automatically update are Elevations & Sections - ie Camera Views don't automatically update to the Layout. However, all CAD (Text, Dims, Lines, etc.) added to an Elevation or Section View will update automatically. It's only the changes made to the Plan (Model) which effect the view that don't automatically update.
  9. You can put almost anything in a CAD Detail Window. Hotkey Shift-V is the easy way to create a new empty CAD Detail Window.
  10. Johnny, Elevations and Sections are automatically in their own Window (view) separate from the Plan. They are semi- live, but may need to be re-displayed in order to update when changes are made to the Plan. Sections can be trimmed by limiting the ends of the Section Cut (Callout), thus creating Wall Sections. Those can be annotated and sent to Layout at a larger scale than the Building Sections. For Larger Scale Details I might use a portion of one of those and as Tommy indicated use "CAD Detail From View". That kind of Detail doesn't need to be "Live". Personally, I usually put those in "Detail Plans" since they are more generic and can be used in many different Projects. IOW, those become 2D Details and become a part of a Detail Plan Library for use in any other Project.
  11. In the Cabinet Schedule dbx (General Panel), uncheck "Group Similar Objects".
  12. CAD Details - IMO the only way to go. I don't want anything in the Plan that would increase the boundary of what I send to Layout. It's just complicates things too much. Most CAD Detail Windows get sent to Layout on different Sheets than the Plans. Some CAD Detail Windows are just work product, substituting for the Library where things are just applicable to this project or are more convenient places to store and access. Note that CAD Detail Windows also have an "editable name" which can then be used with the macro %view_name%. This is a very nice way to get the view named in the Layout without having to use the Layout Box Label.
  13. I just started Chief. It took about 15 seconds which seems a bitl longer than normal but acceptable.
  14. Mark, You should report this to Adrean. Chief should fix this in their Libraries.
  15. It was introduced in either X6 or X7. I can't remember which.
  16. I think the Scroll Bars also work without losing the current mouse operation.
  17. Perry, I don't have anything on the Plan that I don't want in Layout on those sheets. I use CAD Detail Windows for almost everything else, including some Text Boxes with embedded macros. It's easy to open that Window and copy/paste to the Plan, Sections, Elevations. Even my Notes Schedule(s) are in CAD Detail Windows. btw, being able to have multiple windows also allows each to be zoomed to whatever size needed.
  18. I have each schedule in its own CAD Detail Window in my Default Plan and they are already sent to my Default Layout. The reason I do it this way is that I don't have to trim the Layout Boxes (Schedules sent to Layout Pages separate from Floor Plans). That way they each Schedule can be sent independently to Layout and arranged as needed. In addition, I can have the Schedules displayed in different Tabs and as Perry says, drag them to other monitors or anyplace else on available monitors. In addition, when I use my "Clean Up" Layer Set to delete stuff from the Floor Plans I don't lose the Schedule definitions. They are retained in their CAD Windows.
  19. It's in a CAD Detail Window. Which is the only place I ever put my schedules.
  20. Dennis, What are you trying to do? It's not clear to me. Is this really a Deck or is it a Porch? Chief handles these room types differently.
  21. Some of us have our Default Layout set up with different size Borders, Title Blocks, etc on different layers. Then we have Annosets & Layer Sets so that when we select the Annoset for that Sheet Size all we have to do is use the "Drawing Sheet Setup" function to complete the switch to the different size. As Glenn indicated you may need to move and/or resize some of the Layout Boxes but otherwise there's not much else required. The attached pic shows my Layout Page 0 with all Layers displayed. The sheet size [Arch-D] is currently selected which is the white area. I have Layers for Arch-A, B, C & D
  22. Textures only show in "Standard" Renders, not in Vector Views.
  23. That's because the scroll bar is a child control of the TreeList. When you click on the scroll bar you have set the focus to the scroll bar. However, since that only accepts navigation keys, all other keys are passed up to the parent for processing.
  24. I think this is probably a "Paper Cut" classification in terms of programming. It should be just a single line of code to have the focus automatically set.