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Posts posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Richard,


    As Bill said, you have to add additional mouldings which you are not doing.  See my first screenshot above.  Notice I have 3 distinct moulding profiles.


    Also...from your second to last post it looks like you correctly set the crown moulding for the dining area but not the living room.

  2. I may be misunderstanding something, but I have no problems simply dragging and dropping SKP files directly into 64 bit X6.  Not sure why it would be any different on a Mac since Sketchup supports Mac and makes a Mac version as well. 

  3. I do realize that and I am not trying to play games just having a hard time with capturing what I want to send and uploading it, one of those days that can't end fast enough, and I guess I am not understanding what exactly you want me to send, i just printed a pdf tile from my quicken file and opened it up and it printed to one of my printers with no problem that is whats the confusing part, I will try to work on it over the weekend or see if I can get one of my tech guys to look at it. 

    Thanks for trying 


    It would be good to see the PRINT DBX.  For example, you may have the radio button selcted that says "Print pages" or "Pages" and you may not have selected any pages.  There are other possibilities as well, but that one immediately comes to mind.

  4. Many, many years ago Intel stopped using speed to name their chips


    nowdays they are I3, I5, I7 and I7 is one of the best


    when I bought my Win7 PC in Jan I made sure I had I7




    That's pretty misleading  information Lew...


    I7 processors can vary substantially in clock speed.  And whether your computer has overclocking options or not can make that difference even more substantial.  My I5 processor for example can overclock to at least 3.2GHz whereas the slowest I7 processor may max out at 1.8 GHz.  They DO have multiple I7-XXXX names as well.  Simply having an I7 processor doesn't mean its faster.

  5. I don't think you have anywhere near enough for a functional single car garage. I wouldn't personally recommend building a single car garage with less than a 14ft wide usable area.  which would require around 15ft. when accounting for walls.


    To give a little perspective, you can't even pull some vehicles into a 7ft.  opening without folding the mirrors in, and your average person will likely find it rather challenging to pull in and out of an 8ft. wide garage door.  Figuring an 8ft. opening, that would leave you with around an 18" wall on either side of the garage door which is likely a structural issue to contend with, and MAYBE 24" on each side of the vehicle to get in and out (and that's assuming the side walls are totally empty).  In my opinion nobody would use a garage of that size to park in, and parking a fullsize pickup truck would be essentially impossible.

  6. In terms of any "freeware" you are better served to not wiz through the installation process, otherwise you might miss the check boxes or choices to also install that extra "toolbar" or "Feature" that helps pay for the "Free" software. If one will squarely look at and study each dialog page during installation, you should easily avoid the bloatware and add-ware junk that actually "pays" for the free stuff...


    You're absolutely right David. For what it's worth, the reason I chose PDF24 is that after much research, it's the only free program I could find that was able to combine the ability to print PDF, add and delete pages, rearrange pages, and combine files that didn't also come with a lot of "baggage".

  7. I used CutePDF for quite some time and it worked great. Recently switched to PDF24 though in order to add and delete pages and combine multiple files. It works really good. They're both free programs that as someone else suggested may come with some risk, however I haven't had any problems with either.

  8. What I don't understand is why dimensioning elevations is so inconsistent. I can get dimensions (with or without point markers) to snap to one countertop but not another. Same goes with fixtures. Just 2 days ago I was drawing up plans for a wet bar and could get dimensions to snap to 3 sides of a TV but not the 4th. That same seemingly unpredictable behavior is the only part of dimensioning elevations it seems I can count on.

  9. I'm curious to see what answers you get… I've been having the exact same issue. As you say it seems to be much worse in X6.

    Not sure if you're experiencing this or not, but i've been having problems dimensioning sections in general. No matter what my settings I can't get quite a few different things to locate. In particular… Custom countertops, fixtures, and appliances. And at least in one instance where I COULD locate the edge of a custom countertop, it would only snap to a spot like 20 or 30 feet up in the air. The dimension was correct but I had to pull the extension line way down to make the dimension look right.

    At any rate, dimensioning elevations is a major hassle.

  10. Michael, I'm having similar issues with changing materials on a custom garage door symbol I created little while back. No matter how many times I open up the library symbol and re-assign the correct materials, they never seem to stick. Once I stick it in a plan, it's good, but for whatever reason, it's always messed up in the Library. Must be a bug.

    What I did to solve my problem was take one of the doors FROM THE PLAN that had the correct materials and textures displayed and added that to my library.  I then deleted the original and everything has been fine since then.  That's how it worked for me anyhow.

  11. Anyone else getting the occasional error message when trying to create an orthgraphic camera view??  Results are inconsistent, and seem to only happen when I try to use the "all on" layer set).  The view crashes and I get the attached message.  I can create a new camera view and try it again and sometimes it works (more often than not it crashes though).  Drivers are all up to date and I never had this problem at any time X3 through X5.  Is my video card perhaps too outdated for X6??  Other than this particular issue it seems to work just fine.


  12. Update should only work on existing libs


    if the lib is missing then it needs to be downloaded again




    Oops.  Maybe I meant "Install core content".  Either way, I'm fairly certain I've done one or the other before for items missing from my core content.