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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Active Layer Display Options.
  2. Its not so much that the paint color is causing the craziness. The paint color is just causing a subtle difference in the moldings. Since the moldings are different, they won't join. The difference could be molding size, height, offset, profile, etc. In this case, it just happened to be a difference that was especially difficult to spot. To fix the issue in your particular case, I would just Merge those 2 materials.
  3. You have 2 different Materials named 933 Mission White and that one problem cabinet is using a different version of that material.
  4. Based on your response, I think you're typing way more than you should be. You might consider writing a custom text macro or method that keeps you from re-typing all the time.
  5. Read through the dialog again. I think I pointed out pretty clearly why Chief does what they're doing. Its not to protect against "erroneous results". Its due to Ruby's naming conventions. Chief will allow for a unit called "Clown Feet" but to_Clown Feet would be invalid Ruby method naming syntax. In fact, there are plenty of OOB units that will not work using to_unit for that very reason that will work just fine using convert_to("unit"). I suppose Chief could probably write some code that would test to see if the unit's name is valid and then create a matching to_unit method but I'm guessing they just went for a one size fits all approach. I personally don't care at all.
  6. It's also available by right clicking anywhere in Active Layer Display Options
  7. There are various options, but the easiest that comes to mind is to simply use the Sun Angle Specification dialog while you have a screen recording running. In fact, you could tile both a Plan View along with its Sun Shadow and a Camera View. Just set the Sun Shadow to always update. With the Time field activated (but not with the dropdown list showing), you can simply toggle the time of day with the arrows on your keyboard and watch all the shadows changing in real time. To show the time/day, you can either: Make that specification dialog part of your recording so that the time/day is visible there You could edit the screen recording to add the time/day later You could show the Sun Angle onscreen with large enough text so that the time/day on that is visible
  8. I personally think this is a bug and not working as intended. According to the Help files: . I would suggest reporting it to tech support.
  9. I suggest you just get into the habit of toggling Bumping and Pushing instead of using the Control key. I believe the OOB hotkey is F11.
  10. It should be noted that in the latest couple releases we can simply enter the desired code right there in the label much of the time. In this case, the following should do the trick: %width+(rough_opening_side*2)% x %height+rough_opening_bottom+rough_opening_top%
  11. Thanks for the plug Robert : ) This tip I'll toss out there on the house though. @BlueOakEric, you should just need to change nf.unit = 'ft' to nf.unit = 'ft-in'
  12. I’m currently not seeing any missing libraries but I do see extra libraries. Honestly not planning on reporting it though because it doesn’t hardly matter to me and I’d rather not water down Chief’s to-do list with things that are super low on my own priority list.
  13. Just a quick tip: If you ever have something displayed and you're not sure what it is or which layer is controlling its display, you can create a CAD Detail From View. Then, in that newly created CAD Detail, you can select the desired line and see which layer its on.
  14. Can't speak to your specific problem, but just in case you were unaware, you can always select and right click on any given folder(s) and select Search Folder(s).
  15. You can actually do all that pretty easily with the Pyramid tool. Just draw your desired shape with CAD, increase the number of sides on the pyramid, and then change the settings accordingly...
  16. I usually just Cut/Paste Hold Position for that functionality.
  17. How can the wall height be the same if you have a sloped ceiling plane?
  18. Chief has a couple built-in global macros that will provide elevation data for walls at the point where your arrow head makes contact with the wall: %wall.bottom_elevation% %wall.top_elevation%
  19. If you're trying to model cabinets more correctly (as opposed to just making it super fast to throw in place holders), then I suggest going into your General Cabinet Defaults and turning off Create Automatic Fillers. Just place those fillers manually.
  20. By the way, if you use Rich Text instead of normal text, I think you may reduce or even completely eliminate the tracking/kerning issues. You might also consider using a font like Bahnschrift Light Condensed or similar which may allow for increasing the font height since it takes up quite a bit less horizontal space than Arial would.
  21. Then what's the problem with the jumbled looking text? No, but neither is your idea of inserting a "hot link". At least not that I'm aware of. Are you saying that you're somehow using Chief to produce a PDF that contains a clickable link?
  22. Does it really matter if you can't read it then? And can't you just change the link text anyway? Also, why not just add the text in your PDF editor? I feel like you're expecting Chief to do something extremely unusual and making it sound like its somehow totally shocking that Chief doesn't handle it super well. Never once in my 20 years of typing up construction related documents have I seen or needed .25mm text.
  23. Not sure why you would need to do such a thing in Chief, but try increasing your DPI.