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Everything posted by RobWhite

  1. is it possible to display walls and moulding (cornice & skirtings) in the Wall Elevation camera views?
  2. Ok, that has made the difference. I was aware of this so having exploded the block I reselected but was then of given the explode option again so I assumed there were no other blocks within in my selection, but that was not the case. I had to continue to select all items individually to find the blocks within. Doesn't matter I found it. Thanks.
  3. Why does a 2D image, which appears in my Cad block manager, not appear in my 2D block under the Symbol Specification? I use Chief X9
  4. Is it possible for Chief to import *.rfa file? or is this an online conversion programme that will allow this? This is a symbol produce for the CAD Revit programme. I have attached the file. A Cygnet toilet suite.
  5. Sorry I did check the Revit file is rfa (not RAF)
  6. Is it possible for Chief to import *.RAF file? or is this an online conversion programme that will allow this? This is a symbol produce for the CAD Revit programme. I have attached the file. A Cygnet toilet suite. 9506398_9506401 CYGNET CCBTW BIM.rfa
  7. Has anyone placed metal fascia in the plans? It should go in as a custom 'mould' profile, similar to importing a custom gutter, but chief only has a standard timber style. I was attempting to combine the metal fascia mould with the gutter and import it via the custom gutter menu, but there might be a better way. Any suggestion?
  8. Yes that's it. Makes sense. Thank you Rob
  9. I am having trouble adding custom gutters. The reference manual shown a 'gutter' tabs in the roof plane specification menu, but on my programme is does not shown a gutter tab. On this job I have added a cumstom gutter. Initially I could not find the tab and then suddenly it appeared. But today it has disappeared, even though the custom gutter is still drawn. Both the attached menus are from the CAX9 manual and programme. No doubt this is another CA strange happening. My guess is it simple to solve, probaly even basic, but I think you need the same strange twist! Anyone the know what I'm doing or not doing? Roof Menu CAX9.pdf
  10. Is there a method for adding to the text>gobal>special Characters that are commonly used. eg Ø (diameter) ℄Centre Line etc. I use CA 19 Rob
  11. Eric thank for the link. Perfect!
  12. Does anyone know where I can access a 'checker plate' fill pattern?
  13. Beautiful. Wished I'd ask that a few years ago! Rob
  14. How do I retain the jamb of an external door frame when i delete the casing (Architraves in Oz). It seems if I delete the use of interior and exterior casing to external door frames I am not given the option to retain the door jamb. This is how we build in double brick home. Is there a way of retaining the jamb when I delete the casing? I use X9
  15. Thanks Fella's. Kinda think I'll gravitate to using the librar, rather than a separate plan file to house the Cad Detial. Appreciate the ideas and dailogue
  16. My cad details are only accessible when I open the project inwhich I produced them. When drafting a new project and the only method I know to open the previous job and copy the details into the library and then create a new cad detail in the new project and copy the detail from the library. I suspect that is a bit long winded. Rob
  17. How do I centralise CAD detail files I have created in individual projects to use generally in other jobs. Do I do this via the Library or is there a method within Cad detail management? Using CA 19
  18. I seem to have a malfunction in my CAD Detail Management file. I still have the details in my layout, and if I double click the layout cad details (or open the views) the cad items open, but still don't register on the Cad detail manager menu. If I open a new cad detail the scale is all wrong. I have been importing dwg files into the cad detail views, Does anyone know what I'm doing or not doing? using CA X9
  19. Yes, but I want to see through it. By default my vector view does not set the glazing as see through. I am not sure where I set the default to make glass see through. Generally when I create elevations I don't want the window see through so I have. If I create a view (camera or section) in standard or photo finish the glass is see through, but not in vector. I was back in something like version 10 I found a default setting to allow vector view (camera view in line configuration) to see through glass. I have attached a sample of what I am view. The shower screen in the standard view is see through and the same in vector view is not see through. How do I change the vector view to be see through so I can view the tiles and fixtures?
  20. How do I enable vector view to see through glass. I am displaying a 3D view of a bathroom and want to see through the shower screens to see the tiles and fixtures (in vector). I don't particularly want to see through the window, but I think the program only allows the option to view through either all glass or none. (I am recollecting from earlier versions. I use CA X9
  21. How do you label a radius or diameter dimension. It does not appear to be lists in the dimension options. Using CA X9
  22. How do I break the window schedule in 2 more frame to fit the tabel on the A3 layout page. The single view is too large for the layout page. I can I trim the layout view and produce 2 layout boxes showing difference windows of the same schedule, only the mainview has the headings.
  23. Perfect. Thanks. I had a window schedule in the CAD Detail! Rob
  24. My plan view contains 2 window label on some of the windows. The second number conflicts with windows, which are different. I did orginally produce this on CAX8 and have now upgraded to CAX9.