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Everything posted by mkennedy2000

  1. Joe, ty, I knew that, sheepish grin. Perry, ty, not sure I completely follow, but if I commit time to building a keynote library, I'll explore macros...
  2. How are you guys addressing the need for multiple instances of the same note? I'd use a callout, BUT....CA renumbers my notes as I copy and paste to annotate plan, so it would end up being incorrect and causing confusion.
  3. My slabs always merge, unless I build one with a different floor elevation than the other, a practice I encourage my field guys to avoid LOL.
  4. I think CA schedules have some shortcomings - labeling being one of them. I suppose some of the same suggestions made for keynotes could apply to cabinets, doors and windows. It would be nice to edit the item from the schedule and it would be nice to have a less ephemeral way to add comments.
  5. How about those new slabs abutting existing Perry, do you have a technique you can share?
  6. In theory that should be due to to printer settings as a PDF ought to be a definitive standard. Can you imagine if colors started changing during printing lol. We used to support a rich 36" laser, an hp 42" Inkjet, an hp 13x19 inkjet sheet fed and a savin 11x17 sheetfed laser, all of which would produce correct output. I
  7. I strictly do residential additions and remodels.I find that a CAD block of the existing plan, superposed, locked and sent to the back works really, really well for remodeling. As I move walls the dashed demolition lines are exposed. I do have to change the wall line type, ore delete and build a new wall, but it keeps my demo plan in front of me as I do my design work. You can apply the same process to elevations if desired. I also assign existing framing to a layer so as to be able to control the display on my framing diagrams. Existing roof planes can also be put on a seperate layer.
  8. Sydney, short of converting the schedule to text, I don't think so. Perhaps a keyed note would work better? No reason you couldn't grab another unused schedule and create a keyed notes just for the windows if needed. Se ethe recent thread on keyed notes for a video on how to do this or just use a textbox and callouts.
  9. That would be my first guess also. I print more halfscales than full and find them to be graphically consistent.
  10. TY guys, not sure what the issue was, is working fine now after rotating, sliding, blah blah blah. Thanks again.
  11. Years ago, at least 10, we used to export from CA and open wireframes in AutoCAD with no real difficulty. Since we were only using AC for 2d ConDocs we never relaly developed a start to finish path, so can't comment past the initial import. I'd guess that the older the version of AutoCAD you export as the better lol, i think AutoCAD is quite good at opening old version *.dwg files. As I recollect, for CD we would export only the layers for that view - leaving layer management primarily in CA, so would export 2d footprint, foundation, framing, floor plans and so on.
  12. I can't get the callout to display in elevation, any suggestions?
  13. I'd agree, it seems to be pretty universal. The search for diagrams was informative.
  14. I agree, and i was disappointed that the new graphic object in the door schedule doesn't offer a plan view of the door swing. Wouldn't it be great to generate a schedule that door orderers could use? And that door buyers could also use, to back check the accuracy of the door order? I don't care if the door guy has to absorb the cost of reordering a door - my crew are still shut down, my client is still perturbed and my progress draw is still delayed.... A picture is absolutely worth a thousand words....
  15. Just what I needed, thanks so much Hate having brain freezes....
  16. Are we no longer able to control the callout size from the schedule? Using this method my callouts are too small. The snip shows the note block I curerntly use, I just copy paste callouts and renumber them as I go. In the plant schedule setup the callout is teeeeeeny and I cant remember how to change it?
  17. In my experience, its just as much supplier as it is region, so I refuse to discuss or describe doors other than graphically. I'd draw a little picture of the door that illustrates your handing scheme. If you accept the CA default (which conforms to the this Bay Area carpenter was trained BTW) then life will be simple. I was trained, both in the JAT in Ohio as well as in the field in the Bay Area to discuss doors "butt to butt", which sort of dates me lol, butt hinges and 7-11 hinging, sort of a thing of the past.
  18. I keep all my data in the Cloud, with a local synced folder in each device. It does sometimes take 5 or 10 minutes for folders to catch up with one another, so a file or folder modified on one device may not be available to other devices for a few minutes, but it is very reliable and robust. I currently use a paid version of Google Drive, but used the free version until I ran out of room and also used Dropbox with great success.
  19. I'm conflicted, but, I'd rather see specialty library users pay for specialty libraries. Why would I want to pay more for stuff I don't want or need when the stuff I do want and need isn't being improved? FWIW, I just paid my SSA without wondering why, now, I'm wondering why and next year will examine the benefit much more closely. I don't remember the cost analysis of SSA vs upgrading every 2 or 3 years but I only use SSA support a couple times a year and that takes a conscious effort.
  20. TY Robert. It is indeed very easy to fix, but it does sort of put a damper on the design development process, having the building looking bizarre as you try various roof configurations elsewhere. It's nice to be able to do things in the order they occur. I am still hoping this is so simple and straight forward a condition that it is easily solved by one of the gurus or by tech support. Any input on how to automate the bay window roof generation to develop proper overhangs would be great also. I'm able to get the gable I want but cant control the overhangs.
  21. TY Eric, I am trying to get past having to do that. This is such a simple and common condition that I'm sure CA can do it and I really ought to know how
  22. Unfortunately that end of the house is an existing gable. I'd like to put an addition on the rear, with a 9' clng height (exisitng is 8' plate height) and a california overly from the new to the existing. Heres how it looks with the addition drawn with 8' plates (I just set it in the room structure, auto build did the roof.) The Bay windows, I just plan to pull the overhangs out manually, then break and return the eaves? I don't know of a way to get them to work automatically? But the roof configuration at the bays is fine, just the overhang needs to extend. And thanks all for your consideration and time.
  23. Perfect, I learned something useful, thanks so much