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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Grab anything on your screen and use the mouse wheel to scroll in and out while holding down the left mouse button, continue to draw when the zoom level is correct..
  2. I like it Joe, just so hard to change habits when so busy lately.
  3. I remember the topic coming up on the forum and tried it out on that plan but forgot I put it in there. Never use them in a CAD detail but might try. Haven't found a reason to yet.
  4. Why did I have to go back and look?
  5. Ah Joe, much much love - never would have found that rascal - thank you so much for taking the time.
  6. This plan is acting like there are 2 window schedules (double labels) but I can't find another schedule to save my life. The double window labels are what I need to change. When I delete the schedule that is visible in plan view I can see there is still a window label showing but no other schedule I can find. Ready to be embarrassed but any help appreciated. Plan here HIDDEN WINDOW SCHEDULE.plan
  7. Thanks, I like that Joe. Im going to set up a clean up Layer set and test it out.
  8. Jared, Let's say you have made a pretty large change in your Anno Sets, for whatever reason, do you then save that plan to your template? And wouldn't you have to strip/delete everything from that plan file to start your new plan? Or are your plan/layout templates pretty well set and you don't anticipate changing much in the way of Anno Sets etc.?
  9. I think I like Joe's idea though I'm not exactly sure how to implement it. If it's only in 'certain areas' another method is to create simple poly-line solids in elevation and copy/distribute/shape ends as needed. Quicker than it seems. I also have created a second framing Layer in the wall dbx but there were serious limitations.
  10. Here's a trick I used when I was first starting out and didn't know how much to charge. I would get the PDF's and tell the client I would review the plans and get back with a proposal for the work in a couple days. Then I would madly begin drawing the plans (trace PDF's whatever) to see how much time it would really take me, then prepare a proposal accordingly. Still do that today if the job is different enough to warrant it.
  11. Steve, If you're just beginning your Anno Set and Layer creation find some way to use a previous plan for your next plan because your next plan will almost certainly have changes made to your Anno Sets and Layers as you learn what you need. If I understand the SAM method, it always saves your Anno Set and Layer changes (if any) from the previous plan, meaning you are always using your latest Sets and changes. With a template you need to be sure all your latest changes are in there or you will have to create new Anno/Layer Sets in your old template. Some users have been using Chief for a very long time and don't need to modify their Anno/Layer Sets. For those users a template might be great but as you're first developing your Anno Sets I think some sort of Save As Method works best - at least it did for me. As a side note I have 3 or 4 different Layouts saved as templates because of the different boiler plate notes needed by different Cities/ Counties etc. and I logo my Layouts for different builders with their Logos so those Layouts are saved as templates for that builder.
  12. Trying to understand your couple of questions. IF you had the ACAD file, or a PDF file of the plans, it would save you LOTS of time over measuring the house yourself and creating a plan from scratch. PDF's can be re-sized easily using the point to point re-size tool which will make your initial tracing much more accurate. See pic below. Tracing over the ACAD file or a PDF is pretty quick, maybe an hour for initial floor plan(s). Filling in the details much longer. That's if you have an ACAD or PDF file. If you don't, and it's a new house, meaning there's nothing to go and measure, how would create the design - at all? Do you have hard copy of the plans? If you do and no ACAD or PDF you can scan the hard copy and import it into Chief as a JPEG or PDF. I use this awesome phone app call CamScanner and scan full sized 24 x 36 drawings and send them to my e-mail as a PDF. Amazing quality. Then you have a PDF which is a great starting place to trace over the existing plan by drawing new walls over the existing plan - after you re-size the PDF to scale.
  13. I had a problem within my profile plan as well. Re set everything up and it worked.
  14. I don't know how to give, or what a point is, so it wasn't me and I would never give anyone a negative point. I appreciate all comments.
  15. Thanks for the vid Scott. Clearly works on your plan. Clearly doesn't work on mine. It's a great tip but can't get it to work on this simple plan. I've got a current plan where this would come in very handy don't know why it's not working here. Checked defaults over and over. FLOOR STRUCTURE 1.plan
  16. I changed the floor structure defaults and all floor structures/heights changed. I changed the room defaults (which I think is the place you described) nothing changed. Plan is attached above. Did you try it Michael?
  17. I can almost always figure out what a word was supposed to be but 'ratline' has me stumped.
  18. I couldn't get it to work either. Changing floor defaults worked, changing room defaults not so much.
  19. I can't get it to change the structure defaults by changing the room defaults. As usual missing something. Simple plan FLOOR STRUCTURE 1.plan
  20. Nice Tommy. Not sure it will help Scott but it helped me.
  21. "Again not true, you cannot change the default floor thickness once the floor is built.." Am I not doing that here in this video? Again my understanding is flawed but trying to help.
  22. Well I guess there really wasn't much chance I, being the structure guru, would have been able to help.