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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. That looks really good Graham and understand the challenges of creating that in Chief and yeah IMO a couple of changes in the way 3D objects are modified would go miles in making changes easier. I wonder if the issue remains where users are used to the tools in 'other software' and Chief, therefore, should be more like tools in that other software?
  2. I'm curious Shane, Do you find a need for better 3D tools?
  3. I think that's a great point Alan that directly addresses the OP's concerns. I just went to the 3D warehouse and got some killer furniture that I imported into SU then into Chief. If I did furniture design for a living I sure as heck wouldn't even consider Chief as the other tools out there are designed for and serve the purpose so much better.. There's an old saying, "The Master of life never recognizes he is the Master" Maybe there's a corollary, "The Power User never recognizes he is a Power User?"
  4. I go back forth with the need for 3D modeling tools. On a very few occasions I want to model something and Chief's tools just barely cut it, if they can get it done at all and it's very frustrating. Most of the time I simply don't need them, which doesn't negate your request Kevin, nor the requests of others but I think Graham makes a good point. I think it also depends a little bit on what our background in CAD is. There is a Chief user who is very vocal about such 3D tools because the software he uses is based on 3D vector drawing and that's his go to method. Trying to get Chief to work in a way it doesn't can be frustrating. I use Chief with the methods it offers and find very little need for 3D drawing but like I said on those few occasions I need it I would like some more competent tools. Is 3D modeling tools the next new feature set for Chief? Is it on the top of their priority list? Impossible to say and part of me wants that new feature and another part of me wants them focus on improving existing Chief tools instead of adding new ones.
  5. Lew, I'll let you have the last word and continue this argument with your self but there's nothing to reconcile. My post #52 simply calls you out on your post #42 that was completely uncalled for and used derogatory terms that are simply not true. It seems like you think you've been victimized, in your own mind, by the 'browbeaters' or some other unknown and unseen foe who places you at the end of their pointy stick. You don't have to feel that way but you choose to and your next comment will reflect that same attitude and I for one am tired of it. Why do you think there are 'browbeaters' on the forum? Where does that even come from? I get it and I think I understand but you can have this argument because I don't think you will change your attitude, as your next post will surely prove.
  6. Lew, It's far from a gotcha game. It's simply asking you to show that your statements are true, which you can't because the examples you site simply don't exist. You may think they do, or you may think the tenor of some replies justifies your position but it's simply not the way this forum or its members operate. Your opinion is valuable but not when it's based on an interpretation that just doesn't match the reality of this forum. I suggest you give your responses a little more thought before hitting the send button. The OP has a point, but that's all. It's not a given that what they are suggesting is true but I am actually curious about the effect power users have on Chief's decision making, that's all, just curious. No need to accuse any users on this forum of "browbeating" or "insisting" that no changes be made. No need, and I think you should refrain.
  7. Not sure exactly what you're asking for. Are you asking that changes be made to the program? Like the thousands (literally thousands) of requests for new features currently in their data base? Or like the hundreds of requests on the suggestions forum as if yours is the single, lone voice asking for new features? Are you asking that others try different software to see what's out there? Ignoring the hundreds of threads referring to same? Do you think some users are 'ingrained in the way things are done in Chief" and don't want to see improvements and new features added? Have you logged your requests and discussed them on the suggestion forum? Have you searched the forums to become better informed about the nature of Chief and the many topics covered over many years on these forums? We all want to see new features added. We all want to see Chief improved and that includes the programmers and the many hard working people at Chief. It will never happen at the pace we each want and it will never happen in the form we each want but it will happen. In the meantime the question remains the same. "Is Chief the best software for my business?" If so I suggest you do your best, like the rest of us, to let Chief know how you want it to change for the future. The suggestions forum is the best place for that.
  8. Agreed, and a very well thought out post. I've been using Chief for about 15 years and every year the software gets worse, the money they charge has always been unfair, and I am moving out of my house in to a tent because Chief has taken all my money and that's all I can afford. By the time Chief X10 comes along Chief will probably cause me to die of a heart attack, if I can afford it. Dam those Dollars, those Dollar Bills.
  9. I'm curious about the 'Virtual Reality' part of the tool. Does it meet the common criteria?
  10. Thanks VERY much for the hands on review Stephen, gives me a great context for real world usefulness for the app. It does seem like a large format mobile device is an integral part of the tool but sounds like you put it to very good and valuable use.
  11. I also see that the product is being announced as a 3D Viewer product and a "Virtual Reality" viewer. Is it truly a virtual reality viewer and if so what VR device is it designed for? Occulus Rift? Google cardboard? Or is it a 3D walk through app without Virtual Reality features? If there isn't any true VR capabilities should it be advertised as such? Curious.
  12. Looks interesting but, I can't see myself actually using it on a mobile device - ever. Is there a link I can send a client so they can view it on their large screen PC or MAC monitor? Or is it strictly a mobile app? If there's not a version for a PC or a MAC how and in what circumstances do you envision the app being useful? Should I bring my 5" phone to a client meeting? Should I review my plans on my 5" phone instead of my 32" monitor? Do I now need a new Chrome Book in order to view plans? Or an iPad? And who would bring an iPad to a client meeting to show a client their new home design? On an iPad? Really? I'm a bit confused as to the intent of the app and need a little clarification on the purpose of its design and how we might use it real world. Thanks.
  13. Two things you might try if you haven't already. One, set Chief as a program for custom 3D settings in NVidia control panel. I had severe slowdowns at one point and I emptied the windows temp file. Just selected everything and delete them all. There are 2 or 3 that won't delete and just hit skip. I do this every so often and it speeds things up.No idea why but it might help. Please keep us posted on any progress.
  14. I still think the question is interesting, "Do Power Users Prevent Needed Changes In Chief?" but maybe moot as there's no way to really prevent the software engineers from changing/improving the software but have any of the engineers thought to themselves, "This may not be ideal, but the users have found a way to make it work so let's move on to other things." If so then the OP might have some validity. If not then the software fixes (some long overdue as Bryce points out) are prioritized in a way we'll never understand.
  15. Newell, Check out your ceiling finish the room spec dbx. It's set to 35 5/8" thick. Try 1/2" drywall, that should help
  16. I didn't see or read or see anyone suggesting we sit around complaining and/or whining but forums posts can do magic things sometimes. It's fine if someone disagrees with the sentiments expressed but why denigrate them? And I'm wondering if the OP might have been better put as a question such as, "Do Power Users Prevent Needed Changes In Chief." To Alan's point, I really wonder if the Chief folks dismiss a serious problem because we have found a way to work around it instead of addressing it. It's human nature in a way isn't it? Would love to know the actual effect on program changes.
  17. All the comments above don't make this forum anything less than the best I've ever encountered but again the OP has a valid point IMO.
  18. Same here and I know I'm not the brightest bulb but there's so much that can be improved and not by suggesting tedious incomprehensible techniques for the simplest tasks.
  19. Personally I have stayed away from offering the "We can already do that (insert ridiculous amount of effort to accomplish simple task)" in the suggestions forum and I think the OP has a very valid point.