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Everything posted by 5FT-20Designs

  1. @ValleyGuy During the design process, I use a letter then # such as A.00, A.01 etc, for revisions. Once the drawings are ready for construction I delete these revisions so the IFC drawings start with 00. Thought that might be the case, no global delete.
  2. Is there an easy way to delete all revision notes from a set of plans? Right now, I go sheet by sheet deleting the revision notes. Not a big issue with 6-7 sheets, but it gets to be a pain with 20-25 sheets. I clear the revision notes when I issue the drawings for construction. Thanks,
  3. Hadn’t had any issues in X16. Sometimes hard to place in exact location. Try placing the new toolbar anywhere in the stack, then move the others until they are in the order you want.
  4. I want to suppress all electrical item labels by default. Is there a way to do that? I know I can turn the label layer off, but i want to see labels for certain items such as electrical panels. I’ve suppressed all the default electrical items, but if I select a different light fixture for example, the label is displayed. Thanks
  5. Make a polyline shape of the 2 roads and convert it into a road “perimeter “
  6. I’m looking at the Smart Level (smartlevel.us) for use in taking elevations since I do a lot of field work alone. From the website, it looks like this doesn’t need to be sent back every couple years for recalibration. I like that line-of-sight is not required. Wondering if anyone has any experience in using this device or any recommendations of different instruments. Thanks, Keith
  7. The parish list IRC & IBC codes plus addendums used on their website. I include it on drawings for reference to eliminate any confusion. Design for hurricane winds the primary design condition for SW Louisiana.
  8. Try changing number style to degrees and equivalent number. That may give you the accuracy you need.
  9. Where will the training be held?
  10. I have a client that wants a private half bath for her office. The drawings submitted to the state Fire Marshall came back stating that the private bath had to be ADA compliant. Is there an exception for a private bath? This is the excerpt concerning a private half bath? ADA-ABA:603 and 604 Toilet rooms for a single user accessed through a private office shall comply with the following: - - 603.2.1 Provide a 5’ turning radius or T-shaped turning space complying with 304 within the room (located outside of any stalls and clear of all fixtures.)- - 604.2 The centerline of the water closet shall be 16 inches minimum to 18 inches maximum from the nearest adjacent wall; and- 604.3.1 Provide a clearance around the water closet that complies with Figure 604.3.1. Clearance around a water closet shall be 60 inches minimum measured perpendicular from the side wall and 56 inches minimum measured perpendicular from the rear wall. (NOTE: As per 604.3.2 No other fixtures or obstructions shall be located within the required water closet clearance.) - 604.5 Provide sufficient reinforcement in walls as to permit the future installation of grab bars complying with 604.5; and (Provide blocking within the walls to accommodate a future 42" long grab bar adjacent to the toilet and a 36" long grab bar behind the toilet.) - 404.2.3 Door openings shall provide a clear 32 inches minimum; and - 603.2.3 Doors shall be permitted to swing into the clear floor space or clearance provided the swing of the door can be reversed to comply with 603.2.3.- Maneuvering clearance at the door shall be such that a person with a disability can approach, enter and exit the room. (**PRIVATE OFFICE TOILET IN MARIANNA'S OFFICE NOT APPEAR TO COMPLY)
  11. Had similar issues after about a year when it started zooming in randomly. Contacted 3D Connexion support, they were quick to respond and shipped a new one to me.
  12. I want to color highlight, say LVLs for example, on my framing plan. Is there a way to assign a solid color fill style to a layer so everything on that layer is colored in all views? Know I can open the item to assign the color or assign a colored material so it shows in 3D views. Thanks, Keith
  13. Don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but I use the Bosch laser and the MeasureOn app. You can sketch the rooms you need, select the dimension you want to measure, take the measurement with the laser and the dimension is entered. Saw in a previous post that there was a Leica laser that works with CA. Maybe the Disto D3. Do a search for Leica. Keith
  14. Same here. Have to login every time.
  15. Your wall have have "No Room Definition". Uncheck abnd you should be able to define your rooms.
  16. When i add an exterior stairs, i have to create an Open Below room on the next floor to see the stairs. My question, is this normal or have i maybe changed a default setting? Thanks, Keith
  17. Check where the walls resize about. Under Default Settings - Walls - General Wall Defaults