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Everything posted by winterdd

  1. why are the ceiling joists running perpendicular to my rafters with autobuild framing? should i just manually run them?
  2. winterdd


    thanks guys, good info to keep in mind.
  3. winterdd


    thanks! learned something new.
  4. winterdd


    i have wood planks for flooring coming in at the wrong rotation. how can we rotate the planks 90 deg?
  5. got it guys, i went to the library and downloaded and it gives me panels now like i wanted. thanks!
  6. every lattice i choose gives me the spray option.
  7. did you download that from the 3d library?
  8. winterdd


    guys, first time using lattice. this is a polyline solid and im not happy with it using what i circled. what is the best way to create this? library has "lattice 1" lattice 2" & "lattice 3" but it wont spray the pline solid. surely you dont have created the holes in pline solid to see thru for a realistic view?
  9. Yep, that was it. Works great.
  10. what exactly do you mean?
  11. my settings are exactly like that and still get the dimensions to the brick.
  12. is there a setting for automatic dims on a foundation to pull from the stemwall and not the brick veneer?
  13. you are correct. i found that clicking on the wall around the window doesn't work. you have to click on the actual window itself for the tab button to find it. thanks
  14. tried that but its a block. it doesnt show where it can be exploded to manipulate anything.
  15. Hey guys, can we not set the window sizes and make a roof and bottom in the settings as shown in the pics?
  16. i was talking about my back hair, lol
  17. right on, that helped alot. thanks
  18. i am pulling my hair out on this home's foundation. Can someone look and see where i am going wrong in my settings? the main home should be 30" above grade on stemwalls. the garage and storage is the only thing that keeps messing up and trying to build stemwalls when i clearly need mono slabs. help greatly appreciated. also, my manual ceiling plane in garage is missing in ortho views but the layer is on. Dutton_Plan_-_solid_front.plan
  19. yeah i really don't like request like this from clients. everything flows in chief for a reason.
  20. am i missing something? when i do that it changes the label not the number like i need.
  21. nice, two sides works great. but i still need to see if changing the part number is feasible. he wants to add a "b" in the cabinet number for blind cabinet.
  22. guys, i have two questions. a) i have a 36" sliding barn door for an interior closet. the client wants it to be (2) 18" barn doors. how can we do this? b) client also wants to specifically name the door and cabinet numbers. (ie. D08, C04 ETC.) can we somehow rename those in the dbx? i do not want to turn the schedule into text (explode). defeats the purpose of chief.