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Everything posted by MN_JohnH

  1. That works except I really don't want the same foundation stem wall that is on the other walls. I just want a thickened footing under the slab. I can go to a cross section and drag it up but then the auto foundation will fix it later if I rebuild or have it on auto rebuild. It would be nice if I could just change the foundation on that one wall to a thickened footing under the slab. I can do that by just changing the upper wall to a foundation wall but then it doesn't show on the foundation plan. So maybe leaving it as a non bearing wall so that the foundation rebuild will not mess with it and just drawing the thickened slab footing under it in as Solver said, is the only option...
  2. Now if I draw another interior wall and I want it to be a bearing wall shouldn't it show a footing under the slab on the foundation level? I can get it to show a footing by changing it to a foundation wall but it still doesn't show it on the foundation level. I need a thickened area under the slab under that wall.5-20-19 fresh.plan
  3. Yes, that is exactly what I am trying to do.
  4. Well that's the question I guess, how do you remove the dirt and make the floor above to be a slab? Lets say slab inside the ICF wall.
  5. I am trying to construct a home on a slab and I am going to use ICF walls around the perimeter with footings. The bottom of the footing needs to be 52" below grade and the interior of the icf walls are filled in and the slab is poured either on top of the ICF walls or inside the ICF walls. All the tutorials show how to make a slab foundation or a crawlspace but I don't see an option for a stem wall and footing below the slab without a crawlspace.
  6. My retaining walls never work like this. The effect the terrain in weird ways but they never create a held back land area with fill in behind. There has to be more to the retaining wall thing than this. I have been spending hours on this and can not figure out how to simply draw a retained area with a stone wall.
  7. I can't figure out why the foundation wall is not showing up on the lower level plan of the drawing. As far as I can tell everything is the same as the other walls that have foundation/pony walls under them. It shows up on the elevations and camera views, just not on the foundation plan view. foundation wall problem.plan
  8. I am stuck on this one. I have a railing at the top of the stairs that I can't seem to get rid of. When I delete it the stair opening disappears. When i re-add the stair opening the railing across the top comes back. Stair rail problem.plan
  9. This video shows what I am trying to do but it doesn't say how to draw that extra wall outside of the invisible wall. But I can see that it is in one of these threads somewhere, I will keep looking. Very frustrating with everything CA can do and it makes this so hard. I really want a double post corner too. I saw something about that in one of the threads. It seems like there are several different ways and it's hard to tell if people are discussing the same methods.
  10. Well that's unfortunate. Thanks.
  11. Yup I tried that first. I usually post the question here as a last resort. thanks
  12. When I build decks I **** to have the railing posts, (newels), set to the outside of the rim joists and bolted through the rim. Most codes don't allow for notching anymore but with a 4x4 I can bolt the full 4x4 to the outside of the rim and then overhang the decking a bit over the rim and still accomplish the 4" minimum opening between the bottom rail and the decking. I don't see an option to build the railing this way. I know I can do each piece manually but I would think this is not that uncommon of a building technique and there must be a setting for it. Seems like no matter what I do, deck railing posts are always sitting on top of the deck and defining the "wall". Essentially I am looking to create the deck perimeter at the correct size and then create the railing 3.5" total thickness, to the outside of the rim with 1" thick fascia boards then applied to the rim between the posts and the decking would then overhang the fascia boards by about a half inch.
  13. Thanks everyone. Very helpful.
  14. Thanks. So I guess the answer is yes I do need to create a different material for each layout application and then tweak the values till they come out right. I guess it's not as hard as I thought to do all that. It's still puzzling that my first try was using 24x24 tile and I had an area 5' high and the values set at 0 or 12, I would think it would come out and a full tile on top or bottom and a half cut on the opposite I had to change the value to 13 to get it to eliminate that 1" cut at the top. Anyway, thanks for the help!
  15. Thanks. Here is everything in the folder with the entire backed up plan. I figured it has something to do with the offset and angle as you are pointing out but there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to where those offsets are based. If they are both set at zero then i would think my 2x2 tiles would line up full at the top and bottom. And if this is the only way to adjust it then I would have to create new materials for every layout application. Seems like there would be an easier way. Thanks, Tile alignment.plan
  16. I am wondering if there is a simple way of aligning the custom tile in a custom backplash? In the attached drawing I have created two custom tiles for this hypothetical shower. The big tile is 24x24 and I would like to have it go 5' up on the wall and then have a 12" deco strip of 2x2 tile and then more of the larger tile above that to the ceiling. Problem is I want a full tile on the top of the 5' high lower part, (the half cut would be on the bottom), and then start with a full tile on top of the deco strip. And my deco strip is 2x2 tile, I made it as a 12x12 square of 2x2 tile and yet it doesn't line up as full tile on the top and bottom edges... Tile alignment.plan
  17. How do I fix the terrain under this covered screen porch?
  18. That works, I didn't even know that was a thing. It drops my ceiling by about 4.375" but I'm sure I can figure out how to raise that. Or raise the whole roof so it still is the same height inside. Thanks,
  19. No, that is just a paneling texture I put on the underside of the roof for the vaulted ceiling.
  20. I am trying to figure out what I can do to fix this ceiling. I would like the main ceiling inside to go all the way but the shed roof outside seems to be getting in the way. roof_problem.plan
  21. From what I can see, the free sketchup will not do lettering and I don't think I am in the mood to pay for it so I will have to find a way to work around this. Thanks!
  22. Thanks guys. Very good. Looks like eventually I am going to have to quit avoiding learning a bit about sketchup.
  23. Wondering if there is a way to make letters into polyline solids so that I can attach them to another solid to make an embossed look?