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Everything posted by MN_JohnH

  1. It would still be nice if I didn't have to make it a symbol to rotate it like this. I can rotate a polyline solid from different angles but having the molding in there seems to make it impossible. Is there a way to turn the molding into a poly line solid? Then I could join them together and work with it without making it a symbol.
  2. I can't figure out how to add a sash to a triple wide casement to make it a 4 wide casement. I know I can mull units together but I would like to have the window be a 4 wide unit altogether. Searches are coming up with nothing.
  3. Thanks! i was missing the convert to symbol thing. Thanks for the help!
  4. I am actually using x12. I don't see a way to change the rotation on a symbol, that is not an option when I open the symbol.
  5. I am wondering if it is possible to rotate an object around different axis's? The attached file is a door I drew using poly line solids and moldings. It is laying flat and I would like to rotate it so that it is standing up. In other words looking at it from a side elevation, I would like to rotate it 90 degrees. This does not seem possible in the transform replicate box or just using rotate handles. It looks like I could rotate the the polyline solid but not the moldings and not when I combine them into a block. Thanks screen door 1.plan
  6. If you look at the elevation camera you can see the window I am trying to create. The triangle one in the middle I had no trouble with. the one to the left I used Michael's suggestion and turned the window over once I had it shaped right. On the elevation it looks like it worked but on the full camera the interior wall surface is still there, the hole in the wall doesn't seem to be complete. truss window opeing.plan
  7. Wow, thanks, that is awesome. I got everything to work except the wall cutout polyline. I click on the wall cutout polyline tool but the whole still isn't all the way through the wall. Seems like the interior wall covering is still there no matter what I do...
  8. Thanks. I figured it would be easier to just draw it manually but I always think there is something I might be missing. The window tools are a bit cumbersome for anything except some basic shapes.
  9. I am wondering if it is possible to create a window with this shape. I have a faux "W" truss in a wall and they want windows in the spaces. I know I can do it with polyline solids and I can do a lot of shapes with the upper angles with a window but I have not been able to figure out how to git it to this shape. That top line matches the roof line and the bottom line is level but the two sides are somewhat free form to fit the truss.
  10. Awesome, thank you!
  11. In past versions there was a button on the side where I could toggle on or off weather the marquis would select only things that are totally inside the marquis or anything that is touched by the marquis. Since I have been using x12, I can't figure out how to get this button back.
  12. Very good, thank you. It's always something simple but this one was kicking my butt. I don't know why I had that light source there in the first place.
  13. When I select everything to rotate, rotating is not an option. there is no rotation handle and in the transform replicate the rotate is not an option. I can select one element and rotate but if I select all, it is not an option. Here is the plan with just the terrain and perimeter and a plot sat image. just terain.plan
  14. I know this has been talked about before but I can not find it and I can't figure out how to do it again. I have a house drawing and I have the terrain drawn and I would like to orient the house differently on the terrain. I want to keep my house drawing square with my plan so it would need to be the terrain itself that has to rotate. I can rotate the terrain perimeter but that doesn't rotate the elevation lines etc. When I select the perimeter and all the elevation lines, i am not able to rotate the whole thing.
  15. I didn't try that solution as the raised roof seemed to give me what I want and I have not really built framing for this plan yet. Just trying to ge the plan worked out first. Thanks for the comments.
  16. Thanks, I was going to fix the windows later, (just sliding them closer together), but for some reason I wanted to keep the roof where it was while raising the ceiling/floor level from where it was on an earlier rendition. But now I can't see a reason for that so you are right, I will just raise the roof.
  17. Yes! This is what I was missing. the windows I knew I was going to have to fix, they were wrong from the beginning but you are right, I was taking a plan with a lower ceiling and raising the ceiling on the main floor without considering that the roof should be raised as well or somehow rebuilt to accommodate the new floor level. I probably would have figured it out eventually but sometimes it helps to get another set of eyes on it. Thanks for this and thanks everyone else for the thoughts.
  18. It is not an attic. Here is the whole plan. Making it into an attic room will work but then I have to deal with an unfinished sheathing on my ceilings etc. Obviously there is something I am not telling the program to do, that is what I am trying to figure out. Thank you.
  19. I wonder why my second floor loft flooring is sticking through the roof and can be seen on the outside of the building?
  20. Thanks, I didn't realize reference sets could be used this way. I will look into it some more.
  21. I don't want to just "see" it for my own reference. I want certain things to be visible on different floors and then I can send them to plan view that way. I don't want every wall on the main level to be in red on my second level plan that I send to layout. I just want certain things, (like the outside stairs and landing on my garage or the landscaping), to be there.
  22. It still seems like there should be a way to get things like landscaping to show up as I go to a different floor level, (other than using the floor reference display). Also things like deck footings show up in the plan view on the basement or foundation level but I would like them to show up on the main level plan view as well. I have a few garage projects where I have an outside stairs and landing up to a living space over the garage and I would like to get the stairs and landing to show up in the plan view on both levels. If I copy and past hold position, it will build a second stairs on the second level going up into space. Seems like there should be a way to get things to show up as I switch floors, a layer setting or something. Not having any luck searching.
  23. Yes that is what I get too but I just wanted it to show on the foundation plan view. If I build the foundation I get it on the plan view but I get the stem wall with it on the cross sections.. After thinking about it, I think the thing to do is just build the foundations automatically and then when it is all done, go to cross sections and modify them, I also almost always have some step footings too so there are other things to change that won't rebuild properly. Anyway, I think I am good here, thanks for the help.