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  1. @BriHarper This has not happened but I'm still interested in getting this started. Let's work together and plan the 1st one. Call me to discuss ideas on date and location.
  2. I have reported this and will be happy when it's fixed. I was excited for this feature for sections but then disappointed that it's not working as expected.
  3. Thanks so much for doing these and sharing!! They work great.
  4. This is a great idea. I go to websites like Kohler, GE, etc to find a model number to search for what I need in the Chief Catalog. Not perfect as the bottom part does not include a panel but this works for flexibility with the lites and dimensions around the glass.
  5. @Rich_Winsor This post made me laugh!! Love the follow up comments as well. Such as nice change from posts about not knowing how to do something or Chief not doing something.
  6. Thanks so much for the tip on using the Clopay material for the woodgrain ship-lap siding. Perfect timing as I was looking for this as well. I increased the scale of the texture and chose Chief's pattern "planking 2x6" under framing, rotated and scaled it.
  7. This is what I do. In addition to using the paint can for material options, I feel comfortable quickly showing design options. If needed, I'll do another save-as. All design elements and materials are then incorporated into the working plan.
  8. Did anyone who watched this video notice the wall going through the closet door? Ha Ha!!
  9. In addition to what others have mentioned, I was hoping for the ability to copy and to rotate / flip section and elevation cameras.
  10. Top of the list: *** Brick patterns / materials for use around arched and half round windows that display correctly. *** Other than what you listed: Multiple coursing options - regular, stacked, soldier, multiple solider courses (half over full, etc.) Solider brick created to match the brick / mortar material Control over the size of the soldier brick (half or full brick) Agree!!
  11. Thank you. I've used this in the past and will check it out again.
  12. Dustin, I've watched the reply of Thursday's webinar. I've not used the substance player yet as currently we rarely get too detailed with interior materials. However, we do get detailed with exterior materials. Having a way to control brick materials with Substance Player would be awesome!!! Also, changing mortar color would be so helpful. I'm not sure if this tool would help in creating better solider brick for over arches, but if it could, that would be fantastic. Thank you for all the tips today. I especially found helpful using the box rather than a countertop for the bench so the top plane could be rotated.
  13. This has worked for me, so far at least. For my laptop Alienware m17r3 the file location is: C:\ProgramData\A-Volute\DellInc.AlienwareSoundCenter\Modules\ScheduledModules\Configurator\BlackApps.dat