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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. I think Richard's point was that when Dan made the could enter a "zero" for the stem wall height...and the stem wall would only move to the bottom of the floor. It would not move the floor. it does move the floor. I wonder why they changed this? So...with the current version of can move the floor by setting a height for the floor...and you can move the floor by moving the stem wall. It is a bit confusing...but, not the end of the world.
  2. Richard is correct regarding setting the basement floor to now moves the slab up. The footing always remains below the floor. In previous versions of per Dan's video...if you set the stem wall height to would only move the footing to the underside of the floor. CA would lock the location of the basement floor in regards to the stem wall height. But now, in the current version of CA...the stem wall height actually moves the floor.
  3. Great points Perry. "the grass is always greener" syndrome can be debilitating. I'm all for improving the software, and quicker would make me happy...but, I'd hate to see CA become a behemoth that doesn't listen to it's user base.
  4. I agree with this post 100%. I've learned the software mostly by trial and error (a lot of error)...and could not have gotten anywhere without this exceptional forum. Also...Joey Martin got me off and running with a session...a very wise investment on my part. He was a very big help. I also wonder if the guy that started this thread...joedesign30...gave up on CA or what. I don't see any posts past 2014. Maybe he decided to join the dark side...
  5. Michael...thanks for the info. I didn't realize this about text...and I'm not sure how I'd use this capability. Probably won't figure it out until I need it. Can you give me an example of where I might need to use a "Text" that it can appear on different layer sets? In the "Breckenridge" example plan set...the text I'm talking about was typed into a layout box. It is "Site Plan Notes". Not sure why they would create notes in a text box on a layout page? I guess if it was a text box in a floor or electrical plan...I could understand why you might do it this way...but not adding a note in layout. Am I missing something?
  6. more NEWB question concerning notes... If I'm typing a note into Layout...does it matter if I use a Rich Text box...or a standard Text box? I'm looking at the Breckenridge plan set again...and whomever put that set of plans together used both types on the same page. I suppose it doesn't matter...but, thought I'd ask the people that know. Thanks for indulging me...
  7. OK...I created a simple text macro. Question: can you control "formatting" in a text macro? Such as a numbered list? What about text wrapping?
  8. I was really just talking about "boiler plate" notes. Maybe in sunny Cali it's difficult to have these type of notes...but here in frigid Indy it's not a problem. More specific items/notes...something like a wall legend would work better if it was in a template plan - or using the SAM...the last good set of plans you put together. I appreciate you all chiming in...I think someday in the future I will be using parts of all methods discussed. Chief Architect did a decent job with the "Breckenridge" example set. I have used this example set to learn how to I might put my own plans together...its a good starting point. I get the feeling "power users" probably don't get much from this CA example...but it has helped me think through how I might put my template together. The "Breckenridge" example set is a "single" one-off design and as such they don't use text macros and it's difficult to discern whether or not the notes they have in the layout sheets are encapsulated in their layout template...or just typed in specifically for this particular plan...or, possibly pulled out of the library. Maybe a little of each?
  9. Thanks all for the replies...very helpful. I am trying to create "boiler plate" notes that I want to appear in all my, I guess I should be typing them into a text box in "layout". The text macro idea is great...but I'm not quite up to speed on "macros" just yet. This is just step #1...someday I might take the leap to text macros. The "Save-As-Method" does work...but I have to have the info in the plan or layout file first. That is what I'm trying to do. Once I have what I want stored in layout or plan...I can create a template...or just use the SAM.
  10. Do you type them directly into the template?
  11. Basic question...I think. I'm trying to create general plan notes that show up on every plan set. there a "best method"? My current process is to create notes in a Cad Detail window (in template plan file)...then send them to my layout template. However, I was looking at the CA "Breckenridge" plan...and most of the notes on that set of plans were placed or typed directly into the layout file. I have saved some note "blocks" to my library...but when I place them directly into a layout...they are very large (6" tall text). I gather this is because they were created in a Cad window at 1/4" or 1/8" scale...and layout is full scale. So...I'm just not sure if I'm going about this in the right way.
  12. I have a general question regarding roof trusses and attic walls. If I choose to raise the roof plane then an attic wall is created. Automatically this wall is a copy of the wall below, typically it will have drywall on it...which is not needed in the attic. So...I create a new "attic wall" type...without the drywall. However, if I will be using roof trusses with an "energy heel"...what happens to this "attic wall"? As you can see from the framing perspective view...the attic wall does not show....except at the gable ends. (I have attic walls turned on). Does the use of "roof trusses" override the attic wall? I'm wondering if the materials for the attic wall are still being calculated. Also...the attic wall does appear in the cross section view. Needless to's a bit confusing.
  13. it. Thanks Larry. I'm trying to set my own "system" up...these discussions and the videos really help.
  14. Larry...why would you need to update specific layout boxes...just link (reference) the layout to a new plan file and the layout boxes (except for camera views) should automatically update? Am I right? Hell...I have no idea. But I watched Scott's videos and he never updated a single layout box. It's interesting to me that Chief has Never put a series of videos together to show systems or methods on how to use CA with layout and plan files. I realize there are a number of methods...but maybe at least one series showing a "possible" system would be helpful.
  15. Fabulous! Thanks Larry....a great help video.
  16. it. I'll experiment and hopefully get things "dialed in". Thanks so much for the helpful info!
  17. How do you use the profile.plan and profile.layout files. Do I have this correct? - You create a plan profile template...with the all the layers and anno sets you typically use, setup cameras for elevations, setup sections to use on all future plans (some you may use...some you may not), create schedules in Cad Details that will fill as you place objects...and so on. Are the "details" you use stored in a separate plan file...or in Cad Details? - Then you open your profile plan and send to your profile.layout all the drawings in the plan. You send these to the pages you typically use...plot plan, foundation, framing plans, roof plans, sections, details etc. Now you have templates for both the way you want them.... Now do you use these. I understand how to use the plan template...but how do you use the layout template? I think I know...but I think it would be helpful if you told us how you use these templates. Nice video Perry...that sure gave me a road map as to what can be done. Very helpful.
  18. Nice video Dave. But...why do you have to export and import. Why not just create a millwork symbol?
  19. Here's a sample plan...might help you. Screen Porch Example Plan.plan
  20. The simplest way (I think...) to add screen to your porch is to use a molding line. Attach a square or rectangular piece of trim...change the size...change the material to glass block...adjust the glass block material to make it look like screen...and you will have it. Once you adjust the glass block material to "screen" this material to your library and you can use it in the future.
  21. It's a start. I like the improvements.
  22. I think there are hundreds if not thousands of posts related to stair improvements. Scott Hall has done a lot of videos showing work arounds. A large number of stair improvement requests were posted in the suggestion area long before version X8 was released. How many (if any) of those suggestions have now been incorporated into the software? Not many. I don't need or expect Chief to fix every aspect of the stair tool...but, it's long past due for some major improvements. I know nothing about software programming...but, I gather fixing this tool is extremely difficult or improvements would have been made long ago... (edit) PS: I love CA software and think CA gives us a lot for the money. I'm a happy user...wanting more.
  23. Thanks...look forward to seeing that "sneak peek".
  24. Do we really have to submit a post on the suggestion forum for CA to improve the stair tool? I mean...isn't it apparent to everyone including the brain trust at CA?
  25. I draw residential stairs...basic stairs, like those constructed almost daily by production and custom builders. The railing on the open side, first floor, sometimes starts on top of a short stud wall with a cap, commonly open 4-6 treads. The rail then dies into the end of a full height frame wall with a "rosette" or some other custom trim...maybe even a half newel. The stairs continue between walls to the 2nd floor....with a rail mounted on the wall on one side. This is such a common amazes me that CA after all these years still doesn't allow us to "easily" build this stair in 3D. Also...why can't we control the size, shape, location of skirt boards? Really? Why can't we have complete control of the baluster spacing....say we want 3 or 4 balusters per tread...just anything custom. Can't be done right now... For's just easier to draw the stairs and rails using 2D Cad and hope the customer doesn't want to see a 3D view of the stairs or Foyer showing the stairs. I've used CA only since, I'm a novice compared to others (like Joey Martin). So take my comments with a grain of my experience level with the software cannot compare to others. However, I do know what I want my stairs to look like...and I've spent hours playing with the stair tool and workarounds trying to get the stairs to look just how I want them. It's damn near impossible...