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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. If you make an appointment the service is excellent. Walking into an Apple Store just doesn't work. I actually ordered my MAC from the Apple web store. Eventually a business rep called me to review my order and answer questions. I have needed service a few times in the 2 years I've owned my machine. Service has been excellent. You can always go to BestBuy. Price is the same but there usually no one in the store. My kids call BB the Amazon showroom
  2. The learning curve for me was in using the Apple operating system. I had 25 years of experience with windows based PC's. If you have been using a windows based PC for might have to learn how the Apple OS works. It's easy... Regarding how CA work on a only experience is using it with a MAC...but Scott Hall has used CA with both operating systems so he may be able to comment more. I believe the software works exactly on both operating systems.
  3. Wondering why I don't have a soffit in the gable end of this porch curved roof? See the section... - I wanted the porch concrete to extend beyond the edge of columns so I have used two walls to create the space. - Wall #1: 1-1/2" wide wall called Porch Definition Wall-2. There is "no line" to define the edges of this wall in the wall definition...but, the wall appears anyway because the layer has a line definition. This is confusing to me. What does the line definition in the wall DBX actually seems to me the over riding control is the layer? - Wall #2: This is the railing wall. Why does the line of the "beam" not appear? Is there a way to control this? Is this the most efficient way to create a porch room? I working to hard? The appearance turned out I am happy about that...just wondering if there is a better way? Plan attached Front Porch Design - Curved Roof.plan
  4. You may want to designate the "room" chase created by the walls as an "open to below" room type...
  5. FWIW... I used a PC for 25 years...(loved windows 7). They work great and most of the people on this site use a windows based PC. However, thanks to my son and the fact that Chief introduced the MAC version just when I needed a new computer...I now use a MAC. I love it. It works. It's simple. All my devices sync together without me having to become an IT Engineer. It's a bit different...I did experience a bit of a learning curve. But YouTube has all the help you will ever need. So...if you are busy, it might not be something you will want to do. However, if you have a few weeks to learn the differences I think you will be happy. Also...there is no doubt you could purchase a more "powerful" PC...even build it yourself. I'm not a, for me, I just wanted to buy something that would work. My MAC is simple to use, and powerful. Love it.
  6. Yep...I know I can do that...and actually, I've already done it. Just wondered if there was some issue with my plan or some specification that caused the base molding not to attach to the "furred wall".
  7. Yea...that works, but it also creates a "room definition" between the back of the furred wall and the foundation wall. I was trying to avoid that... Maybe there isn't a way to avoid this?
  8. Wondering why the baseboard...which is part of the "room" specification does not move out and attach itself to the "furred wall" surface. I experimented with a simple plan with furred basement walls...and the base molding did move from the surface of the foundation wall to the surface of the "furred wall"...but it doesn't in the attached plan. So...obviously I've done something. I know I could easily attach base with a molding polyline...but, I'm just curious as to why it's not working...and what I've done wrong. I've attached the plan... Thanks! 7050 Plan.plan
  9. I'm in Westfield...which is just north of Carmel, IN
  10. I know this topic has been covered to some degree. I've seen many posts wishing Chief would add this capability. Given the current state of possibilities with Chief...if I wanted to create a contemporary home design that had tilted/angled walls such as shown in the attached can it be done? Is the simplest (or only) way possible would be to use some form of p-solid or primitive shape? Thanks
  11., do you have to link all the plan detail files to each new project plan? Does this slow things down? What about the comment that plan files and layout should be in the same directory? Do you copy the plan detail files into the new project file every time? Thanks.
  12. Yes...understand about the slowing down. Just used 2 in order to help show a client the potential shadow cast by a 15' tall tree. Thanks all for the tips.
  13. Thanks...I found them. Had to download the bonus catalog. Appreciate the help!
  14. Are there 3d Trees in the catalog...I did a quick search...nothing comes up. Are they in the bonus catalog?
  15. Just wondering...should trees cast shadows? Mine don't...wondering if it's a setting that I don't know about? thanks.
  16. Can you elaborate? If you use PS to create you also create the ceiling of the porch with a PS? What about the porch slab? I gather you do not define the space as a room?
  17. I'm a bit confused by the wall type "divider wall". This is an OOB default wall type. It is defined as 1" thick. However, when I use the wall to define a porch automatically changes to a 3 1/2" interior wall type. Why does it change? Test plan attached... divider wall question.plan
  18. Joe, I was experimenting with this method. If you create the main floor on level 2...and the garage in on this level...then, how do you create the garage floor. In my test plan...when I named the room "garage" it created a slab...but the slab extended through the frame a wood floor would do. How do you create a typical slab floor...would you have to create the garage slab manually with a p-solid?
  19. Yes...and also the "Stepford Craftsman" has taken over every subdivision. It appears that "good design" is determined by how little masonry is installed on the house.
  20. "Professional" just means government control...less is more when it comes to regulation by so called experts. Where I live the "professional" builders and their "professionals" designers are ruining the landscape. Nothing but "Stepford" houses...all the same. Yuk.
  21. Yep...I figured it out. Thanks for the help Joey!
  22. Are you referring to Joey's method? Is there a better way?
  23. do you show the foundation in elevation? Do you use a cad polyline?
  24. So...if you have a walkout basement wall (daylight side)...and this wall is a pony wall...with brick veneer that extends up about 30" from finish grade with lap siding do you draw the foundation wall on the same level? The foundation wall needs to extend to below frost my area that is about about 36" or so from finished grade. So...there are (2) walls in the same plane. The foundation wall may also be a pony wall as it also could also have some brick veneer. I suppose this is where putting the basement on level 1 is the cure? Section attached...
  25. Very nice solution. Thanks for the video always helps to see these creative solutions put to work.