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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. Are you sure it’s not your template? Have you attempted to recreate this in one of chiefs templates?
  2. Well...some of the things you describe may need "work arounds"... Not a problem to do the things they way are doing them...but, when you place newels (post/columns) manually...they don't move. They are like cad object in some, you need to watch things closely or they may move or possibly the spacing may not be correct. I do wish we could dimension to the center of a newel in a railing's been requested as a feature for many years. As such...not holding my breath.
  3. I've done a series of videos on porches which you can find on my youtube page. Most of the videos are older versions of Chief and there have been a number of great improvements but the concepts presented are still sound. That said...I hardly ever use invisible walls to create porches. You almost always need a, using a post to beam railing wall is a good place to start. Here is a link to the porch videos on my YouTube;
  4. Drainage is the biggest issue with the roof. Creating valleys that will facilitate drainage destroys the intent of the design.
  5. Oh boy...lots of issues with this plan. I took some liberties and attempted to put a roof on this plan...had to move some walls around. The roof design will make a number of attorneys very wealthy. The plan grew so I've placed in on a google drive for download;
  6. No solution offered...I just did a quick plan and in my template and I am able to change materials...and I have materials. I think Michael has most likely identified the problem. Yes...pdf doesn't help. Post a plan file...maybe a simple test file?
  7. Edit all roof planes works for me...maybe you should post the plan.
  8. Yes it does... Open defaults, go to the floor, then "floor structure". Make the changes. You may have to reframe the floor for the new to take effect. Note: If you have gone into each room and manually changed the floor structure in the plan...then these rooms will no longer be "default", making this change will have no effect. You will have to reset each room to use default. can do as @DBCooper suggested. If you change the floor/ceiling platform, go into the floor structure tab and make sure it is set to use "default".
  9. In defaults - Change the floor structure default.
  10. I can help you. Visit my site. Feel free to email me directly. steve@MyChief
  11. I’ve got a number of porch videos on my YouTube channel.
  12. Made this video a while ago but it’s still relevant.
  13. My question is when will Chief incorporate AI to improve the production of… CONSTRUCTION DOCS Leave rendering to pro apps that are already more advanced than Chief.
  14. You should contact @stevenyhof Steve Nyhof. He is located in Holland, MI and is truly a talented designer.
  15. I’ve trained a lot of chief users… check out my website… i also have a YouTube page..
  16. If you have a the room and specify "Use Soffit Surface for Ceiling".
  17. There is a tool on the toolbar that controls the display of arc centers...
  18. Open your template plan file. Draw a line...and assign the a unique line style either from the library or create a style. Save your template. This line style will now be in all new plans based created from this template file.
  19. I believe I fixed it... I think the dimensions for the moldings on the return roofs did not match the main roof...but honestly, it's been 5 min. and I don't remember. I just beat the darn thing into submission... SND2300 Megan Adams and Josh Husted -
  20. Post the plan...someone will fix it for you or make you a quick video.
  21. You need a "room" for your deck/patio/porch...which appears you do not have. The railing is a wall and the bottom is most likely sitting at the elevation designated for the "foundation" level. Create a room using the railing by attaching this to the house. Once you have a can designate what type of room, you can then control the floor construction etc. You need a "room"
  22. SPV control all your text, your current CAD layer, the Reference Display, what floor you see...and more. Layer sets just control layers.