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Everything posted by 4hotshoez

  1. 3D view wont show countertop on wall as it does in plan. Any thoughts to why? I need to show the client how the 15" top looks, but I cant see it. What is shown in 3D it the default wall cap or rail. It was working with a 2" overhang until I made it wider.
  2. I don't know the best way, but I just did what you did to show in an elevation and 3D view. I suppose you could use the cabinet shelving layer and make them dashed in plan view. I just use a note on the elevation. It was in a pantry where there were no doors on the cabinets, so they show well.
  3. Perry, I have never checked this either, but it was checked by some little check gnome to drive me crazy. I am up to Layer Set 27, before knowing what was going on. Is there a way to purge the sets not being used?
  4. I can now update elevations, but I just made some changes to the plan with a layer setting and it will not update. How do I make it change? This should not be so difficult. It has eaten up most of a day for something that should be spelled out or easy. I am frustrated. Too complicated. Because I was deleting views and remaking them, I have a huge list of Layer Sets that are automatically generated for every view I sent to Layout.
  5. Ok, now I am sort of getting it. I was getting tired of managing all the tabbed views at the top of my window, since I had all my views in Layout, I chose to close them and THEN Chief asked me to save them in Layout to match the changes I made. That is when the layout was updated. Saving the camera view did nothing for elevations. Again some things will update, but not all until I close. Now I understand the frustration Scott was expressing. What would it take for CA to rewrite the code to save us the step of closing and opening a view in order to update the layout? Seems this could be done dynamically as we work (complaining).
  6. Here is an example of doing all that I think I need to do to update layout but it is not working. I have saved the elevation, saved the plan, closed layout and saved layout, expanded the polygon border, not working.
  7. Also where is the best place to do some cad lines? on the layout or on the elevation view?
  8. I found the "Save Camera" and used it and save the project and have gone back and forth between plan, elevation and layout. Sometimes it updates and sometimes it does not. However, in one case the change was outside the polygon border in layout and needed to be expanded.
  9. There are a number of things that happen in just setting up the layout such as forgetting to designate the proper scale or placing a global text for the scale to show for that view.
  10. So how do I "Save" the elevations while the plan is open? Apparently this is not the same as saving the project file.
  11. I have been sending interior elevations to Layout, then I make changes. How do I make the layout update to match my changes without deleting and creating new, which is what I have been doing so far until I have time to dig into the training videos. Just doing quick stuff for a client.
  12. Stretch planes sound like a good thing. Can you have more than the xyz planes, like several x planes to protect parts of an object? For example, a five panel door has six fixed dimensioned rails but the panels can stretch, so that would be five stretch planes, unless I am misunderstanding how they work.
  13. I a not sure I get it. I understand copy of a text style, but how does this get connected to the camera callouts that I do not see? I am not seeing how this gets the answer to my original question. I must be missing a step or a concept. Is there a link that explains what you are doing?
  14. Curt, there are numbers that Chief uses to automatically place shelves in cabinets, are you saying that we do not have access to changing what Chief uses for automatic calculations? Thus we must manually adjust every cabinet that we place? Or does setting the manual also set the automatic setting? Not clear.
  15. I know we can create custom cabinet door styles, but before I invest too much time, I need to ask, can I do the same thing for interior doors? I assume yes. I am looking to use a five panel (recessed not raised as in core lib) door.
  16. Thank you Joe that is good information for quick changes. But in my case I have several styles in one plan so setting a single default would begin to make changes where I don't want for a whole cabinet. I just want to control the default color so I do not need to keep doing it manually every time I make a style change. I will investigate Robert's suggestion too.
  17. Yes, but when I change from the default molding or door style, the new one comes in a different color as if the control of those are in a different location.
  18. Does anyone know where the default for the auto-generated cabinet shelf spacing can be changed?
  19. I did see it in the Sketchup warehouse, but it lock-up Chief when I tried to import it. It would be nice if Sub-Zero Wolf had there library updated to Sketchup. They have 2D and 3D Autocad available, which I would rather not use as all the polygon edges show and look like a spider web.
  20. I have been working hard to understand and utilize the default settings. I thought I had the cabinets all set, but when I change a door or molding the previous color is used. Where do I control the default color for molding and doors for cabinets?
  21. Nice idea, Joe, but the issue would be to distinguish between glass doors and solid doors among other things.
  22. The bad thing about not being able see the shelves that are in the cabinets on an elevation, is that I still need to make sure they are correct or missing when I cut a section through them and the section is now different from the elevation I drew manually. And if I make a change to the cabinet height we are back to the problem of 2D Autocad: Conflicting information prevails.
  23. I saw that Scott Harris has a Sub-Zero Pro48 fridge in a video. I have a client that has a whole kitchen full of other stuff from the manufacturer. I looked in the library and on the manufacturers page but could not find something that would work. If I am missing something please show me where I can find it. Thank you.