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Everything posted by jorgearaya

  1. The two options are valid here. The way you drew it, leaving a space between two walls, if enclosed, they become a room, leave it unspecified and adjust its ceiling heights to match the other rooms. Wall type definitions as "Solver" showed also works and may be easier to work with. (However you had not mentioned they were offset).
  2. The pdf's I'm using go crystal clear into another program, they lose no formatting, etc. As David noted, Chief seems to like the image format better, within the same plan, I have some image files that came in "acceptable" as .png format. I have attached the files that have issues in Chief, but, do not in the "other program". Using the exact same importing procedure. File, import, import PDF, then placing it on the layout, resizing to fit. (Same on both programs) Please note at the "preview window" before you place the file, the formatting it's already lost, one can tell right away just before placing the file onto Layout. 217-P010095769A-000-000-0000000-0000-1.pdf
  3. Hello all, I noticed that the .pdf importing into Layout sheets literally "destroys" the .pdf I tried importing the energy calculation files and, oh boy, the files changed font, formatting, etc. The second set of sheets I tried were some standards directly from the code book and sure enough, they came so badly blurry that are of no use. Anyone else having issues?
  4. Save the current plan you are working on as your new "Template" (delete all the views you don't need before saving). That keeps my templates up to date.
  5. Labels, I realized that copying a wall type would not work and was hoping to, push the issue that we need to be able to label the walls within wall type definitions dbx. ...and that someone would have another solution. Thanks for the response.
  6. Using X8 I created several wall types, some from scratch, some from copying an existing wall. I noticed the "Label" transferred from the "copied" wall to the new wall, however I missed how to "change" the label of the "copied" wall. (It is showing the original label) Say I created a 2x6 Ext Stucco wall, I labeled it STU6R19, copied that one and created a 2x4 version of it. (There was no option to re-label the wall) Note that I can re-label the wall once placed on the drawing, and re enter the information to create another wall that will show the proper label. (The setting to "re-label" the wall when you are within "Wall Type Definitions" was missing).
  7. I am looking for a similar option too, I have seen it in action on other platforms Select the object tool "Roofs" while selected hit ctrl+a to select all roofs at once. Same for walls, windows, doors, etc. select its objet tool "interior wall" hit ctrl+a, done.
  8. We ran into an issue activating two different licenses, here's the scoop: Issue: We use to separate licenses for our work. User A using license A User B needs to use license A User B deactivates license from user A User B activates license A on his station. User A needs to work on another project, but, user B is now using the license (A) that was activated on User's A station. User A opens Chief and gets the Product Activation Window. Enters License B to activate Chief Chief sends an error message saying the license is active in another computer. How do we Clear User A's station after being "deactivated" by User B? Product Activation shows "Current Key" as User A license Even after entering License B into User A. A license deactivation message appears.
  9. Hello, I am trying to purchase a license from another user, with the transfer and all from Chief. The main question is the SSA. Does the SSA have to be purchased now during the "Transfer" and it will last the full 12 months? Can the SSA be purchased later? Starting January instead? Is there a cost difference? or does it matter at all to wait or not?
  10. I use Google Drive for my consultants (I don't use archaic email systems). Job Folder>Consultants folders "one for each">Job specifications>support, etc. (Folder tree system). Inside the Job Folder I have created a Project Tracking List using "Sheets" (very simple, name, date, notes, completed). Main tab for me, then every consultant has a tab where they can communicate with me, between themselves, and vice versa. All communications stay in one place. tough to do, I know. For PC, since I am a plan checker myself, we have minimum corrections, I just color code a copy of the actual letter, then, I upload to the drive for them to address, I expect them to make a copy with their responses in it. That then gets copied again for records and it is sent back to the ahj.
  11. No issues here, updated since it came out. Using Chief version 18 All my work is done on iMac computers.
  12. Hello all, I had no success finding an "editable" lighted address symbol. Something basic, generic. I added "editable" but, that may be just be too much, open the symbol and type in the "address number" so it shows in your model
  13. The lady has the answer to your question, the code is not telling you that the "Front" or "Entry" door has to be the "Required Egress Door" it merely states that you have to have at least one and that you need the path of travel to be clear and unobstructed, thus, many think about the "Front" door. Now to be technical about it: The intent is a safe way out of danger, if you think about escaping out to the rear or side yard just to find yourself trapped again between fences and gates, then, you are not meeting the requirement. Double smaller front doors? Maybe if you must open them both to exit without any additional effort or tools. Minimum 36" door opening to get the 32" clear width.
  14. There's cutepdf out there, very effective and cheap. Importing pdf into CA is not productive, and should be avoided. Many times we use pdf's as underlays to retrace plans, however, finding other formats that are easier for CA to handle seems a better option.
  15. Perhaps the last portion of my comment was a "hint"...
  16. Most here can do that too, CA has a CAD to Walls tool that can convert lines to walls. The catch is in the lines. If the wall lines are not in the same layer, the same for doors and windows, then they will have to be edited manually prior to the conversion. Depending on the size of your project(s) it could be time consuming. (If it was made in an early version of AutoCAD, then the new work will be converted to the current version of AutoCAD we use). Note tha CA will convert to walls the wall lines for walls only, that does not mean that the rest of the work done on your files will be converted to CA. Lines will be lines for other objects on the plans. Elevations, sections, roofs, objects, etc. will still be lines and that will be work needed to complete the conversion of the files (project). Please leave a PM with your phone number to contact you.
  17. Eric has a great tutorial on that, I was using the same principle for all my notes on all my drafting programs. This is also a feature I requested a while back for Chief here. Must add that I don't use MSOffice, instead I am a supporter and user of LibreOffice.
  18. Hello all, Haven't done this in a while, but, I am offering to help those with Chief files needing "Clean up" and or those with Chief files wanting construction documents for submitting to the AHJ. Been using CA since version 9, currently using version 18. Pricing is basic for "Clean ups" $25.00 per hour or on a per case basis. (I have learned that some have come up with a pre conceived amount they want to spend, and that is just fine too). Provided you have started your project and are stuck with your plan file and need assistance. Pricing for ConDocs will be based per S.F. and on Jurisdiction. Pricing for ConDocs for California, please visit and browse for pricing there. While I am not claiming I am "the expert" on the matter, I can certainly figure out most issues related to drawing in CA. I am sure there are many here that can help in the forums as well. For those wondering why I posted a "Help Wanted" ad, that is because one of the offices I work for needs help with their current work load.
  19. If anyone is interested in this position, please pm and leave a phone number so we can talk. In addition, anyone interested shall have a complete approved set from a California Jurisdiction (I understand some places are easier than others, typically, larger Cities are more restrictive).
  20. Another one... One can not compare Chief Architect to ArchiCad or Revit for that matter. Chief is unique in its very own field, in such a way that the other two can't compare. Now one could compare ArchiCad and Revit, yes, because both platforms were made with the same intended purpose. Autodesk is slowly catching up....
  21. This position has not been filled yet I have 3 responses, which I am following up with this week.
  22. Hello all, I am looking for an experienced draftsman. New Construction SFD only. Fresno, CA area. Must: Be reliable, on time, Google Drive savvy, available to answer frequent requests for information. Know building codes and local requirements. Fresno City and County, Madera County. Able to produce clean and efficient CD's for permits with minimal assistance. Able to coordinate all related consultants to prepare the CD's Prepare CD package ready to submit. Will consider remote help provided they meet the above criteria. Not looking for presentations or render services. You can reply here, no links to renders please, if you have sample work to show, have a full set of approved drawings in pdf ready.