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  1. Some times with imported terrains you can get away mostly only using major contours that makes it easier for chief to handle
  2. Have a look at this file see if it is any good, I reduce your sub facia and made your facia larger also a larger over hang on hip walls i added 1" 361955604_GambrelRoofShed Mark edit.plan
  3. Image showing the result, I use a program called formZ that is like sketchup only a bit better i think and it can give you mesh volume and i wonder if it would work if the 2 meshes volumes where compared but never tried it.
  4. I would make 2 terrains one would be existing then convert to symbol then edit existing to proposed and merge with symbol sometimes I give the symbol a semi transparent material so you can see through it in 3d
  5. It sounds like you need to change the render setting in your viewer program
  6. If you can upload your plan file compress if it is big or after compressing it, it is over 14mb dropbox or other cloud share
  7. Terrain Contours Absolute Elevations vs. Sea Level Elevations - Video | Chief Architect
  8. There is 2 elevation lines that cross the retaining walls near garage entry pull back to the other side of retaining wall that should look better, also turn terrain surface smoothing to low that will hopefully give you a bit more control
  9. I could make symbol that i can make in form z if you have sizing details if it is a spiral
  10. See if that is a workable way to do it, there is some missing moldings but if it is good enough just add some molding lines I converted railing to symbols used invisible walls and soffits Also i deleted some stuff as file was to big FloorPlan 2 Mark
  11. Try and break the wall and change the wall type
  12. You need to copy the material and adjust