Coeur d'Alene Training


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Hello Folks...long time no talk.  Been BUUUUUUSY around here!  We've done close to 250 plans already this year...


Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone knows about this trainer coming up in Coeur d'Alene (Aug 31 - Sep 1)?...


I'm curious if it's going to be a meeting of the minds (Scott, Joe, Glenn, etc...) and hammer out some great issues, or is it just going to be like how the UGM was?


I'd like to go, but I don't want to spend the time and money if we're going to be talking about how to add colors to the color palette.


Any help from users or CA would be great...


Also...who plans to attend?

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Yeah, that's what I didn't know.


Was this going to be a "Power User" meeting that we talked about shortly after the last UGM, or was this planning on just being another canned trainer.


I'm really looking forward to this "Power User" meeting we talked about...I'm ready to be challenged!   :rolleyes:

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I would like to go.  But my main interest is a direct meeting with the CA people to discuss some specific needs.  I don't think the training sessions would be the best place or time to do that so I'm more inclined to set up an appointment.

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