Roof Dormer wall material


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I have added an autodormer and would like to have the material on the dormer different than the lower wall material.  Is there a way to divide the two walls so the materials live independantly?  If i changed the stone material to siding, it changes the second level wall. 

Thanks in advance for your help!


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You should probably attach the plan.  There should be no reason you can't just use the material painter on that one wall if you have X8.  If you're still in X7, you can use the Explode Dormer tool and then just change the wall definition for that one wall, you could use a material region, or you could use a wall covering.  There may be other ways as well but those are the few that come to mind.


EDIT:  Just tested and the material painter works the same way in X7 in that situation.  You should be able to simply paint the one wall.  Just make sure Blend Colors With Materials is toggled off. 

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Glenn or Micheal may have better fix, but if you explode the dormer and set a pony wall - with the lower being the limestone and upper whatever you want you can manually set the distance.

That's a very creative solution Johnny.  I think the correct thing to do though is to cut and paste hold position the dormer to the next floor up.

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Great will try....still not sure why the material painter doesn't change the dormer wall only?


Its because the dormer wall and the wall below are a single wall.  Move dormer to attic level (where it will actually reside) and you should be good to go.

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