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I'm still using X3. Trying to draw a font porch gabel with an exposed truss built from 6X6s setting on 2 post. The roof will then tie into main roof with 2 valleys. I've tried roof beams, trusses and soffits but they can't be rotated to build rafters (to follow roof pitch). Can anyone help me? Please?

Thank you!

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You may have better luck using the framing tools and then doing manual edits from there.  I say that since you need to set the correct widths etc for the framing to even work.


If you post your plan with an explanation you will have a better chance getting a quick answer.

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I tried framing tools, but i could not rotate them. Is that possible? Can you make poly lines 3 dimensional? I can post the plan, but the porch consist of a slab and 2 post now. Would that help?


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Also, in earlier versions you could click on the edge (where the facia would be) of a roof plane, then another one perpendicular to it and it would put an X where those 2 would meet. Did I forget how to use that feature?


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Here's a quick video showing how to just use the actual truss tool.  I used X6 because its the oldest version I still have installed but I think X3 should work about the same...although the dialogue boxes look quite a bit different if I remember correctly. 



P.S.  I didn't go over it in the video, but you can also get different size webbing if you want by building 2 trusses with different settings and overlaying them on each other.  This method may require checking "Lock Truss Envelope" in some cases though. 

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WOW!!! Thank you sooo much. That's exactly what I was trying to do! I still wasted a few hours, but that's my own fault instead of moving on to a different part of plan. I think I ended up using primitives, but will change it now. I also messed up by not making it a room, so a truss wouldn't work.

I now have to show metal plates for gussets. Any ideas other than cad lines.

Again, thank you guy's so much.

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  On 3/2/2016 at 4:03 PM, Green1 said:

WOW!!! Thank you sooo much. That's exactly what I was trying to do! I still wasted a few hours, but that's my own fault instead of moving on to a different part of plan. I think I ended up using primitives, but will change it now. I also messed up by not making it a room, so a truss wouldn't work.

I now have to show metal plates for gussets. Any ideas other than cad lines.

Again, thank you guy's so much.


I would just use polyline solids for the gussets (drawn in elevation view), and I would start by creating a CAD Detail From View, drawing polylines in that CAD detail, and then Cut and Paste Hold Position back into elevation before converting to a polyline solid.  Starting with the CAD detail will give you some line work to start with and a lot more usable snapping properties.  This thread might be of some use to you...


There are a few videos in there with the basic idea. 

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