Contour lines imported from AutoCAD


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I imported a survey plan of a two acre sloped two acre lot that was drawn in AutoCAD. 
The problem I am having is the trying to do a perspective full overview. I get a warning 

"You have 22041 elevation points. The terrain interpolation will take a long time to generate.
Would you like to use the linear interpolator instead?"


I tried running the perspective full overview and it runs for hours. The file size of the imported
survey plan is 38,441 KB. There are only 24 contour lines When I click on one of the contour lines I see that there are hundreds of edit handles along each line. 


Is there a way to smooth out each line by reducing the number of edit handles ? I'm hoping that might reduce the file size and allow me to do a perspective full overview. Has anyone experienced this before ? 




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